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42 results found

  1. Why not enable the ability to search for streamers based on their listed, scheduled times? Allow the user to input the days/times they tend to watch streams and then recommend them streamers that best match that scheduling. If they don't select it, you could automate it based on viewing data.

    This improves discoverability for streamers and also benefits viewers by making it easier to find people they can reliably watch.

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  2. Currently the top views are in the top of the list for followed channels. In categories it is the same way. With disabilities we often can't stream the hours or consistently stream like those that do. So finding a better way to be discovered will help those with accessibility needs. We have a voice but sometimes we are not found due to current set up.

    It will also make it safer for other streamers that are not disabled. As many people give out bad advice to just constantly stream such as to not work or sleep. That streaming to be…

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  3. Implement a new search system with predefined and/or user defined tags like #lol #csgo #kappa #girlgamer #familyfriendly #twitch etc. It would be nice for a channel to have a handful of tags to identify itself.

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  4. add ability to search by stream title of part of title.
    If i want to search for a mod pack someone is playing and they have put the name in the title, allow me to search for that name in the stream title

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  5. Search options like Google, Exact keyword, contains etc.

    Also an idea is filters, like platform, time zone, game, country etc.

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  6. Hey All! I'm just wondering if anyone agrees with this, and hopefully will become a Site Feature.

    Right... Twitch... Please... I'm loving the new changes you've put in Place with the most recent UI... but you're missing one thing.. Searching for titles. As meaningless as it sounds, it'd be a great feature.

    For example if i went to twitch now and typed "Horror" in the search bar, only peoples past Vods would come up. Same for if someone went to go search up "[PC]".. wanting to watch a specific Platform.

    Someone who's currently live with "Horror" in their title (Which…

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  7. For Portuguese speakers, it would be great to have a way to find streamers from Brazil, Portugal and other countries separately. As a Portuguese myself, I am often looking to support Portuguese streamers, but they are hard to find when you filter by language, as the bigger ammount of users from Brazil, means I am usually finding only Streamers from Brazil.

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  8. Okay, so here's something that happens with me and gives me a lot of frustration in my stream.

    Scenario 1:

    I love to stream some good ol' PS2 games, like Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Onimusha, etc. Those games exist in Twitch Database, so, when I stream them, I put them games on the Category/Game tab. Then, I go for that "tags" section, and add the Retro tag on my stream, because it's an old game.

    First issue: This tag will not show my old Prince of Persia stream in the Retro category, BECAUSE my game/category is... Prince of…

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  9. I've joined Raids and I've followed the streamers. Rinse and repeat. Now after months of doing this, I've amassed quite the number of streams followed. The search tab is essentially a new discover tab, and that would be great if i were new to twitch, but Struggling to find channels I've already followed is a major pain and unless I type it in correctly, i'm most likely unable to find the channel I'm looking for especially if they have a fairly long and complicated channel name.

    The option I hope to get implemented.
    Followed Channels should be the first things…

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  10. Incorporate the ability to narrow down or only display broadly available titles. Searchable by genre as well. (i.e. Horror Broadly Available) AND ability to search by region.

    OR, better yet...

    Allow titles to play based on STREAMER. Yes, viewers still MUST have prime linked to Twitch, however, viewers should not be blocked from watching a stream because the title is not available in their region. They are still watching a STREAMER'S channel. Watch Parties should be STREAMER based. Eliminate the region locks all together. Viewers are still paying for their prime service and proving that by linking. So Amazon is…

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  11. Search streamers by their hardware. Sometimes, especially these days, when we want to buy new hardware like GPU, we search for some reviews, but sometimes the reviews aren't enough and, we want to see how the hardware behaves daily.
    So, if I could search for streamers who use a specific GPU it would be great.

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  12. When I write half of the name of one streamer, it does not go out to me, but another channel goes to me on another streamer!

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  13. I want to be able to use the "tags" system in the search bar to avoid certain streams. For example: I live in Spain but im not native of this country and i really hate having Spanish streams flood my main page the moment i open up twitch. Just give me the option to use tags to avoid certain streams. #spanish, #cosplay, #depression, etc. These are for the ones i want to avoid, and the longer i stay on twitch the more "#" i will ban

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  14. New awareness and fundraising campaign through the Epilepsy Foundation - it would be helpful to be able to find other Epilepsy Streamers to spread awareness across our channels for support.

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  15. Recently am having alot of trouble finding "live" streams in my search results. I like to search streams on their titles, such as "pc builds" etc. Now most, if not all, my results are user names, and continually having to scroll to find any live stream is tedious.
    Please change the way search functions back to like it was, where I could search for stream titles, not users.

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  16. Currently I'm not able to search streamers on a very specific subject (eg: using the tag "elixir" in software & development).

    I'd like to subscribe to offline streamers that cover this topic so I get notified when they get online, but I simply can't. I must be lucky and be connected at the right time (meaning when they're online) to find out who's covering this topic.

    In term of discovery, the user experience is close to 0 at the moment... It seems pretty obvious though. How can I connect with people on a specific subject if I can't find them…

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  17. Introducing the Streamer Spotlight Boost, an exclusive opportunity for small and aspiring streamers to shine on Twitch! In this innovative feature, broadcasters can invest in a guaranteed top-of-the-list placement, ensuring their channel stands out and attracts more viewers.

    How it Works:
    For a nominal fee, participating streamers can secure a prime position at the very top of the viewer list, irrespective of the default sorting algorithms. This means that whenever users browse a specific category or game, your stream will be prominently featured, providing unparalleled visibility.


    Maximum Exposure: Enjoy unparalleled visibility as your channel takes the lead position, catching…

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  18. I don't know if anyone's listening on twitch but a microphone would be incredible people that can't spell good read and write good or people that are multitaskers their hands are busy on YouTube there's a microphone in the right corner when you hit it and you say a song or video or anything 100 things pop up and usually it's what you're looking for why not the same thing

    Admin audit: clarified w/ audio search

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  19. Please add an option to search for VODs of specific streamers.
    One of my favorite streamers has a lot of vods, but in the twitch app it is almost impossible to find them via search.
    Can you implement a channel specific search on the streamers page?
    It is possible on PC but not in the twitch app

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  20. are you idiots or what?..why have you banned the channel "Sinicawho"?'s not her fault - neither she chose to play that video herself, neither she knew what's going to be shown in the video..besides it's a video from youtube, not pornhub..first of all, how can she know what's the content of the video, n second, how can she expect something improper, especially when it's from a site like youtube? was i who ordered this video for her and others to watch, to be precise: "Miss Bashful X DBBD- Short King Spring", just like i ordered "Eartheater - Pure…

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