Search options like Google, Exact keyword, contains etc.
Also an idea is filters, like platform, time zone, game, country etc.
The_TarotGamer commented
Search by keyword tag:
example - Browse > Search function > tag > spirit
" " " " meditation
" " " " readingand so on? (not all spiritual or meditational streams are in those categories - some people put them into IRL or ASMR etc with the tags *Spiritual/reading/meditation* etc as tags on their streams, so its hard to find them
jcdenton commented
Yeah it's really frustrating that I can't just find games by searching for keywords.
Suppose I want to see an old Star Trek point-and-click adventure game. The streamer will probably stream under the Retro category instead of the game title. The reason is that if they set the category to the actual game title, there's not much chance someone will search for that category during their stream. Making matters worse, it's also been documented that many categories don't show up on users' Live Categories page ( even if there are channels streaming.
So I would like to search for "star trek" being in the stream title. However, the results are inaccurate, flooded with Star Craft and Star Wars streams.
That leaves no way to find a streamer when they want to play a Star Trek game that isn't Star Trek Online. The only two options, which are both bad, are checking the Star Trek Online category to see if someone is deliberately miscategorizing their stream to be found there, or to wade through the Retro Category, visually scanning the thumbnail images to see if you can recognize the game as one of the games you'd like to see.
- commented
6 years later and we still cant search a stream by a keyword
Marenthyu commented
As to not duplicate Ideas, Posting here:
Some amount of "Exact Matching" really should happen when searching for streams.Explicit example: When searching for "Hypixel", I will find Minecraft Streamers - just none of those that actually have the word "Hypixel" in their Stream title.
As an End-User, this feels like I have those streamers hidden from for whatever reason, without being able to find them through the search, unless I already know of their existance.
This came up in this Twitter Discussion: