Make identity & accessibility tags permanent/toggleable. Don't count towards the 5 tag limit.
Allow streamers to set their identity tags & accessibility tags (captions etc) and forget about them without them resetting after the time period.
These can then not count towards the 5 tag limit which can be used to describe the content of the stream. Identity rarely changes, so allow them to be toggleable by the streamer. Most people who will use these tags will want to be able to show off their entire identity as well as their other content tags so this would be a great way to do that! It also allows streamers to show off their accessibility options without worrying that those tags will disappear.
samuelwilliams99 commented
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sunnydee__ commented
"Show off their identity" - Get over yourself
MysticNGamer commented
I wouldn't mind having something based on my race as being a permanent thing if I wanted. I am African American, and it kind of feels a little sad that I use up my 5 slots just to put down an identity that I am proud to show off.
Klownstein commented
As a retro variety streamer who also has a few diagnosed mental illnesses, I absolutely find this to be a good idea.
Sometimes I have to choose between “No Spoilers”, “N64”, and “First Playthrough”. I’m contantly swapping between different consoles, playing games old and new, and sometimes engaging in challenge runs. But my mental illness is always there with me, so while some change often, the few that never change define the channel but seem to take up spots that other stream specific tag could help reach out.
MurderVeggie commented
Agreed! At the moment I have to decide between the LGBTQIA+ and Safe Space tag, if I want to have any game-related or stream-vibe ones at all. Same with the identity ones, I have to limit myself to one part of me and that feels weird.
JackTheFlop commented
Because of the limiting with the tags, I'm already forced to either throw away parts of my identity OR have it all be identity tags. Why is that still the case?
otterscotch commented
I have a chronic illness. It's going to remain a chronic illness.
Having to reselect the 'chronic illness' tag every other stream feels silly and unnecessary, when it is a permanent part of my life and a frequent topic of community discussion.
Even better would be having these identity tags be a separate section that I could set as default, to free up my gameplay or stream style and content tags. -
VaguelyEuphemistic commented
I only voted to be the 420th
StoicWolfGaming commented
Yeah, this should honestly have been sorted a long time ago.
- commented
the fact this still isnt a thing....
EDL666 commented
I would LOVE to use any of the new tags, but I actually already wanted to put more tags and couldn't because I think identifying this particular content is more important since it does change more and people could read my bio for other things or just get to know me. But identity and accessibility tags are actually something that usually doesn't change and is very useful for community discovery. I actually think the tag limit on streams should be 20, not 5 and still have the identity and accessibility tags separate from that. Like tags that label the channel itself, not the particular content.
KamiAnya commented
I now have about 20 tags that are relevant to my identity. Those identities do not change, but I have to choose between aspects of me that are hugely important and relevant at all times. And that's without including stream specific tags! Separating stream tags and identity tags would help this issue immensly
Angsthase commented
This would also have the advantage of being able to distinguish #English (streamers from England, an identity) from #English (the language of the stream)
BoxThisSideUp commented
This would be an amazing idea! Peer2Peer is already doing this and it would be great if Twitch themselves also did it.
Zaytri commented
I'd love if we could tag our channels with these identity tags, rather than being per-stream.
Maryalee commented
I approve. Having so many new tags is a good thing, and being able to set Identity and accessibility as permanent is even better. These tags are not going to be frequently, if ever modified, so this would be a progressive step.
MoreAmor commented
With new tags based on identity, allow creators to tag their channel in a way that is persistent. This would be similar to how we tag now, but persistent tags stick around and are a better fit for things that don't change from stream to stream.
V2Blast commented
Agreed! There's no need to edit these kinds of tags often, and tags that describe the streamer shouldn't count against the 5-tag limit that describe the stream itself.
Pollyphemeus commented
With over 350 new tags we greatly appreciate having new identity tags. A 5 tag cap makes many of them unusable tho as the game itself can often have 3-4 tags leaving us with no space for identity tags. Having some permenant identity tags would be amazing.
AwesomeChipzz commented
Would be very useful!