Small Streamer Support
Twitch is increasingly seeing success in large, full-time partnered streamers who seem to be growing in mainstream recognition and opportunities, but what is or can Twitch do to help dedicated small streamers get visibility to avoid a YouTube-like situation where it's only for the celebrities.
perkinsarmand32 commented
Online co-op is a type of multiplayer game mode where players work together towards some goal against a non-player enemy12. Online co-op means that players can connect to each other or a host server over the internet1, instead of being in the same physical location. Co-op is short for cooperative2.? -
stickwagongaming commented
This is the one. I just streamed 4 hours with 1 singular view. I know these big streamers worked hard to get where they are at but how are us smaller people supposed to get discovered with one or 2 views per stream. It takes the fun out of it after a while. I'm not trying to take anything away from the people who have worked hard to get where they are but how are us smaller people supposed to do better when we are at the bottom of the page due to those 1 or 2 views. Kind of like streaming to the clock app. Yeah you are going to come across the screamers with 100k likes on their live and a steady 500 viewers BUT while scrolling you will also come across the ones with 100 likes and 1 viewer at a time, and that helps people get discovered.
And for anyone who says put the money makers at the forefront hear me out. Those money makers have thousands of followers, and hundreds of dedicated viewers. They will still do great even if they are not on the forefront. They still make money and twitch sill makes money. Throw a few smaller streamers on the forefront in the mix guess what. The smaller streamer starts getting some attention. Now the smaller streamers is gaining some traction and gets to the point they can start making money, now twitch is also making more money. Its a win win.
Maitre_Nicolas_Ultra commented
Moi je veux validation pour mon compte Twitch et plus de live et des nouveaux abonnés et jeux c’est ça mon idee
ibenstokes10 commented
Twitch can support small streamers by:
Improved Discovery: Enhance algorithms to better promote smaller channels based on content, engagement, and niche.
Community Features: Foster community building by introducing tools that facilitate collaboration among small streamers and their audiences.
Education Resources: Provide resources and tutorials to help small streamers improve their content, engage with their audience, and navigate the platform effectively.
Event Promotion: Highlight and support smaller events and collaborations to showcase diverse content.
Fair Monetization: Offer more ways for small streamers to monetize their content and incentivize growth through various channels. Running my own channel of
Vorti75 commented
Twitch has 55,000 Partners, and as one of them I can say that I've only been featured on front page for charity events.
It may seem that they are only doing these things, but like any business, you put your best money makers at the forefront of the business. If an individual is bringing in the results then they get the perks.
Twitch also has featured affiliates on front page, most of which have went on to become partner. They either filled a niche or were driving results already. These people didn't put the expectation on Twitch to grow them but instead fostered a community and were rewarded with additional opportunities from Twitch.
duceexp commented
Hola, Saludos Twitch me llamo duceexp
Llevo al rededor de 3 años haciendo stream como Creador de contenido. Hago stream todos los dias hago al rededor de 8 horas al dia y tengo muy poca visibilidad con espectadores. Pero aun así lo cojo muy en serio y buscó diferentes maneras para poder hacer entretener a mis espectadores hecho varias categorías gameplay de diferentes juegos, viajes , piscina & playa, musica, charlando etc.Aparte hablo con mis espectadores de sus vidas y como va su dia. Busco diferentes opciones para interactuar con ellos como unirnos en guest y hacerlos parte del stream y no se sientan que solo son espectadores si no familia.
Trato de que siempre halla respetos unos a los otros en el chat y hago diferentes actividades con mensajes positivos.
Y si veo un poco de crecimiento cambiando de tags a la hora de poner distinos paises. Cambio mi titulo si veo que la gente no entra o no llama la atención.
En el caso de los gameplays o justchatting busco disto juegos con muy poco espectadores, hablamos de diferentes temas o video reaccionamos a diferentes contenidos. Trato de ser entretenido para los espectadores. Hago unboxing en directo de ciertos productos tecnológicos.
He invertido en camara, microfono , luz, internet, pc , diseños gráficos, overlays, retos a los espectadores etc. Para tener un stream de calidad y profesionalismo.
Que pueden hacer por nosotros los que no tienes mucho espectadores.
Hacer eventos en vivo con los creador de contenido para que ellos tengo visibilidad y muestren sus proyectos.
Buscar herramientas como un buen editor de video para poder utilizar la herramienta de clips mejor. Para que cuando ese clip o video sea subido a twitch pueda llegar a más alcance.
Hacer beneficios para los creadores de contenido con sponsor buscar la manera de hacer un sponor con compañias en el cual impulsen la economía del streamer y luego presentar algún proyecto a twitch.
Hacer bonos en las temporadas bajas porque no solamente es subtember temporada bajas hay temporadas bajas y en distintas meses de diferentes locaciones del mundo. 🌍
Beneficios de mas por ciento de paga en los anuncios, buscar la forma de recibir un feedback de lo que consumen nuestor espectadores en twitch para asi poder nosotros tomar alguna iniciativa diferente o cambio.
Aportar a los streamer licencias de discografías para poder video reaccionar a musica y a si el copy rigth no los tiene mal como por ejemplo las demandas etc.
Poder recibir alguna invitación a eventos como tecnológicos, comiccon, peliculas y series.
Porqué reaccionamos a muchos trailers de peliculas y series. Y trailers de video juegos que por esa parte también nos pueden invitar a un evento de esa magnitud siendo un streamer pequeño.
Tener alguna herramienta en el cual se dirija espectadores de tu localización en específico.
Poder tener una herramienta en el cual puedas hacer tu mercancía y no utilizar terceros y poder personalizarla a tue estilo y poner el logo de twitch y las ganancias que reciba el creador sean de un porcentaje .
Poder reunirse con alguna persona de twitch y dejarle saber tus proyectos y de qué forma poder ayudarnos entre si como compañía y empleado.
Poder recibir alguna orientación de las oficinas de twitch y ver como se trabaja para asi nosotros como creadores enteddr mas
Son muchos cambios los que se pueden hacer en la pagina de twitch y no poner obstáculos al crecimiento de ningún creador de contenido.
Que si el algoritmo no funciona para nosotros pues haga que funcione y nos beneficie a nosotros también porque somos parte de su empresa y deberían como empresa tratarnos a todos por igual.
Promovemos su productos todos los días y no nos ayuda el que no podas hacer ciertas cosas en otras plataformas y para tener una competencia sana con otras plataformas y sus creador de contenido no se vallan tienen que haber buenos beneficios.
So Por Dios por delante todo se puede.
Espero que llegue este mensaje a los de twitch y no solo a los mismos que promovemos la plataforma. Que somo mas halla bajo que los que están halla arriba.
Romire commented
7 years of streaming, zero acknowledgement or support for someone like me whos massivley small and still unknown.
Give us the way to be featured on front page more
Lucoz63 commented
Algoritmo per la crescita organicaper canali con un basso numero di spect in live o con pochi follower
TommyTemperShow commented
I really feel like Twitch does not appreciate me and therefore does not promote my channel. It is really disappointing. Make a way for small channels like mine can get noticed instead of shadowbanned like Twitter did
thesefaaaa commented
Bence az takipçili hesapları daha fazla önerilmeli (rica ederim). O kadar saat yayın yapıp pek az etkileşim alınıyor çünkü.yeni yayıncıların önü açılmalı belki iyi bir yere gelirler teşekkürler.
renardbouclier commented
It would be nice if Twitch allowed affiliates to appear on front page and Twitch allowed affiliates and non-affiliates to increase their visibility
Let me explain:
yes twitch has made progress with its, but, visibility remains null for steamers with 4 viewers on average and us also, we want to develop, succeed our projects and build our community, because, even if we have only 4 spectators, we exist, we can give you quality content so please, don’t forget us help us to be visible
[Deleted User] commented
I'm a good streamer and I stream consistently, I make things happen during festive holidays, I make ice cream, I make japanese candy on stream, I'm extremly funny and I'm pretty **** cute but yet, I am struggling to grow because you guys are holding me back. I implore you, please make changes to help us be seen so we have a chance!
JoDracona commented
There needs to be a better system for suggesting streams to watch. I follow 18 streamers that consistently get less than 10 viewers, one who gets around 30 viewers, and only 5 who get well over a thousand. (I found 4 of those through their YouTube content and 1 through a friend).
However, in my recommended channels right now, as I write this, there are 5 channels playing a game I've never watched content for, 1 playing a game I've never even heard of, 2 playing pokemon games, 1 playing geoguessr, and 1 doing art. 3 have over 1000 viewers, and only 1 has less than 100 viewers.
Granted, this is better than it was, as I used to get suggested only Pokimane, Hasan, and streamers of similar calibre.
But I have tons of friends who are all trapped below 10 viewers, one in particular who streams 4-6 days a week, and often for more than 3 hours.
He has gotten a grand total of 2 new consistent viewers in the last couple of months. One discovered him from TikTok and the other WAS actually browsing the twitch page for Cooking Simulator. But seriously, he has been streaming almost every single day of the week for multiple hours at a time for nearly a year now and he gets 2 viewers for it.
If anyone reading this is curious, he's Toridasushi, and he does variety gaming streams. He's very funny and is really good at riffing off of chat when it's being active.
But yeah, I know there are people out there just like Sushi, who dedicate hours and hours to honing the skills required to be a streamer and getting near zero in return for all that work. -
Macbearded commented
One idea would be to have diddy Twitch Rivals for Smaller Streamers only. Smaller prize but also a good way for the smaller streamers to get themselves seen. If not that have a handful of small streamers each month get to have a full access to like a partnered streamer would have for a month and see if they improve or decline with that opportunity in hand and what they do.
KaiKurohi commented
Hay mucha gente quejándose y aún no hacen nada. Dan siempre muchos beneficios a los streamers grandes pero no ayudan nada a los pequeños.
¿Por qué no promocionan los canales pequeños poniéndolos los primeros en las categorías?, ¿Que al menos puedan llegar a los 100€/$ al mes?, ¿O que tengan la tarifa mínima de pago con los anuncios?
Pintan siempre todo muy bonito en las actualizaciones pero solo se pueden beneficiar los grandes porque ponen metas que los más pequeños no llegan (por ej: "cada 3min de anuncios por hora 200€" pero solo los ganas si tienes 1000 visitas por anuncio y no te lo dicen si no buscas bien en la página, al final del todo).
Hagan algo para ayudar al pequeño streamer si realmente sois tan "pro nuevos miembros". -
Lanter25Green commented
This is just an idea I am going to throw into the mix, as I honestly and will upfront say I am not going through all the comments on this one, as what I had was mainly the same takeaway.
What are you going to do to help us small creators?
At one time, ever large creator was a small creator. What happened to change that. Many factors. Content, Interaction with the Viewers. Word of Mouth, and Social Networking.
As someone whom comes from the older generations, this was a common place more so done in a face to face interaction.
You all have to remember, a stream can be likened to a Store. (Yes I know however let me give the example.)
As a new store, it will be rough for the first little bit, though it is possible through outside forces can either aid or hinder this process.
Advertising, and Neighborhood Building are excellent ways to get started. Make announcements on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Interact with other streamers that provide similar content, raid or host their channels, where most streamers will remember others doing this and do the same for them. This helps bridge connections in those communities, while also growing the entirety as a whole.
Consumer interaction -- When I say this, ask yourself. How well can I sell myself? If I had to get the next person to walk near me to buy me, as if my life really depended on it, would I be able to do it?
For example, I have a mama bear mentality when a viewer, or shopper enters my store(channel) .
I will say hello, letting them know I am here. While also letting them know if they have any questions please ask.
Keeping an eye should I be able to help, while also keeping mind with the shop and others that are around.
Be it the draw of viewer interactive streams, or a just talking back and forth. There are many ways to engage and draw the consumer back time and again.
Now to what I had meant to say from the start. All of you "smaller streamers" bah all content creators.
Create a community find other creators whom share the same games, projects, (similar content that as yours) maybe a vs the other person, Streamer & Chat vs Streamer 2 & Chat....
Idk just some thoughts, in addition to some experiences from my life as a waiter, cook, delivery driver, salesman, bomb maker, coal tester, liquid lab worker, Train Transport, Gas station manager/worker, Accountant. *Yes a lot, small area in addition gotta go Red Mage in the game of life and learn all ya can before we are unable.
Mycromator commented
I would like to refer to this idea posted by person a few years ago.
I think generally increasing the exposure of random streamers gives more chances to "prove yourself".
I get viewers to stay on my stream for its duration pretty well, but my problem is that my stream often doesn't even get the chance to grow my channel.
This would also solve the "streaming to a void" problem that small streamers face, where a stream can go hours with 0 unique viewers even having a look at the stream.
The quality of one's stream currently isn't the driving factor in livestreams, it's the amount of traffic one can achieve by either "leeching" off of big streamers, self promotion or growing on other platfroms. -
Jesonai commented
Another idea is that, the small streamers should band together and promote each other by watching each other's streams when they themselves are not streaming 🙂. Networking and such will help us until they do something about "only the big names being featured on the homescreen. 🙂
SolanStar commented
sadly, we live in a twitch world where the people that are big or somewhat big are people that know super big streamers that came during the growth stage, it's a clout world you either get views from a big streamer or your hard stuck at 1viewer maybe if you're lucky 5
SirenHellVixen commented
Small streamers have absolutely no discoverability.
The home screen is purely promoted streamers and large streamers.There is a "Recommended smaller communities" category, but that is impossible to get on and a lot of the streamers in that category aren't even small!
They are 30-180 viewers which isn't really small. It is more average tbh!Please do something to help promote small streamers.
Either accept actually small streamers in the "Recommended smaller communities" category OR do something that that helps smaller streamers get viewers! Maybe feature actual small streamers on the homepage or change the channel sorting so that you can't sort high to low viewers! Maybe that would help.As someone who has streamed for 2 and 1/2 years every single week, putting 110% effort in whilst being severely chronically ill, disabled & housebound and still barely getting viewers as there is zero discoverability for small streamers.
Please do something positive for us.
We are completely ignored and we don't feel a part of twitch as we are treated so differently!