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49 results found

  1. I would like to be able to sort the streamers I follow into different categories, perhaps based on a taxonomy system. For instance, I follow a lot of Rocket League streamers, I also follow a lot of Zelda streamers, and I follow a lot of musicians. I would like to be able to tag these streamers. So I may tag Rocket League streamers with: "Rocket League," "Games," "Funny," etc. And I may tag music streamers with "Original Music," "Covers," "Funny," etc. Then when I go to my follow page, I could easily sort and display streamers I am in the…

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  2. I think it would be awesome if we could have "favorite" streamers / channels of all our followed channels that get pinned to the top. This way we can have all our most watched followed channels at the top for easier browsing. Some of us follow many channels and we don't want to unfollow them, but we want the channels we watch most to be at the top.

    Admin audit: Edited title to be reflective of description for easier discovery.

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  3. With twitch having a following limit and eventually everyone will hit the cap at some point there should be an easier way to manage and get rid of who we follow, more so for when we want to mass remove a lot of channels that arent active anymore. either a better UI that shows us who we follow with an easy follow/unfollow button along their name or an option or automatic process that removes people who havent streamed in 6-12 months

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  4. I would like to have an option to clear a VOD from the Continue Watching section in the browser rather than have to wait for it to expire. There have been several instances where I do not desire to continue viewing the content or I cannot view the VOD because it is locked behind a subscriber wall. If the streamer desires to lock the content that is fine but it would be nice to be able to clear those unwanted VOD links and use the space for streams that I actually want to finish watching.

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  5. Providing alphabetized offline and online lists would make finding followed channels ALOT easier... so many times have I scrolled past an offline channel that I either wanted to go to, to find out the schedule for or maybe watch a VOD that they streamed later on.

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  6. In the "Following" section where i browse the streams I follow to see who's streaming, I'd like to have a top section of streams I have favourited and below that show the rest of the streams I follow.
    As of now it is only sorted by most to least concurrent viewers, but my favorite stream may not be the most popular one that I follow.
    Not a big deal, just a QoL improvement.

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  7. So, a bit of context is needed for this. Back about 3 months ago when I didn't really watch twitch, my account was hacked by a random Russian. This person followed a LOT of people, i contacted twitch support and asked if they could clear my following list. They couldn't. So, here i am asking for an unfollow all button OR a way to mass unfollow.

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  8. When I go to Twitch I'm either going to watch a livestream or a vod for one I missed. If I ever wanted to find one I'd recently only partially watched, I'd easily be able to do that by looking through Latest Videos or my search history. I'd never use the continue watching section for that and all it's doing is adding an annoying extra step to get to the latest videos section of the page.
    It's also easy to forget that there's a continue watching section I have to skip past and then end up thinking there's no recent…

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  9. See a list of all streamers I have followed in the past with the ability to sort by 'date of last stream', so I can unfollow inactive ones.

    If you are going to put a limit on the number we can follow, we need a way to see them and unfollow any who are no longer producing content.

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  10. The idea is to give the user the ability to control who they are following, so they can unfollow dead or orphaned accounts more easily. Perhaps the tool could list accounts based on:
    - Follow Age
    - Last Stream
    - Last Login
    - Stream Frequency
    - Export List to File

    It gets frustrating to not know who I follow that has been gone since forever, and I'm seriously contemplating account deletion to start with a clean list.

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  11. I want the ability to sort the categories I'm following by number of viewers or alphabet.

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  12. There are some games I want to follow. However, when I click the follow button, nothing happen. I cannot follow any Game. (But I can unfollow games that I previously followed.)

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  13. Please add an option to change the time format to 24h on the Upcoming Streams section on your Overview page.

    Having only american time format on a global site is just dumb.

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  14. So for the past 3 days I haven´t been able to follow anyone on twitch, I press the follow button and it glitches back to follow. Same with subs, I can´t subscribe or send bits to anyone.

    Would appreciate if someone can help me since I found a few streamers i wanna follow but am unable to do so due to it glitching for some reason.

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  15. The new implementation of pushing short form content to the top of your following page and the sidebar is extremely annoying as someone who intentionally avoids short form content. I'm aware of how much time can be easily stolen from users scrolling short form content and find that behavior extremely concerning for long term health, so I choose to avoid and hide these content forms where possible. Imagine my dismay when discovering twitch has also decided to also opt into having its own form of this new media plague, and has not even considered that some users do not even…

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  16. There was once an option for users to remove a streamer from their 'Recommended' feed (via the "⋮" icon). This icon/feature has since been removed.
    Currently, the only way to remove a streamer is to manually block them by opening 'Whispers', searching for their channel, creating a whisper for said channel and then blocking them. To be blunt this method is unintuitive, obtuse and it should be revised.

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  17. This will help affiliates (less popular streamers) greatly. People will always scroll a bit to see their favorite streamers (which tend to already be very popular streamers), but sorting low-high will at least allow viewers to see that some less popular streamers are in-fact streaming. Also, creating an in-house side-by-side view like multi-twitch would be greatly helpful.

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  18. There are better places for that type of content, and I do not want "stepbro" and "stepsis" rub their parts in my face on the "following" page.

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  19. Greetings,

    Please add the option to sort VOD list by date oldest first. It is very tedious and time consuming to scroll to the bottom of a list of thousands of videos.

    Thank you

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  20. For testing purposes on Twitch specifically, it would be nice having a feature which disables sending live notifications to your followers. At this moment, if I need to test something, it sends one live notification per stream which I do not want for whenever I need to test something. It would be nice if this could be looked at in some way. :)

    Thanks for reading.

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