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114 results found

  1. The "Filters" menu on the "Activity Feed" widget opens downward. This can cause the menu to go below the browser screen, depending on the layout of the Mod View and screen resolution.

    It should be how "Mod Actions" is designed.
    The "Filter" menu on the "Mod Actions" widget opens in a position that is visible no matter how far down to the bottom of browser the widget is positioned.

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  2. It is way too easy to accidentally activate Shield mode for a new moderator when there is a click-through handholding guide that pops up with it. Please make it wait until after the walkthrough to avoid accidental activation. Thanks.

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  3. A channel I mod for gets hate follows targetting part of the streamers' identity frequently - specifically the username being a hateful message.
    At current, that name cannot be removed from the Activity Feed and Moderation Actions histories, even after the account has been banned for TOS violations.
    This can result in them being visible to the streamer and mods for a while, depending on the activity of the channel.

    It would be nice for moderators to have the ability to hide such actions in those lists to protect Streamers from such hateful content.

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  4. As someone who has to manually keep track of when the next hypetrain is available by writing the time once a train is completed. It would be nice to have a mod notification alerting mods that a hypetrain is ready. There are times where I forget to write down time and have to do my best to figure out when the next is ready. Having a notification would solve that issue and allow me to focus more on chat.

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  5. Add simple sorting options for redemption queue in moderator and streamer view. Particularly the ability to sort the redemption list by most recent.
    Highly active redemptions can quickly stack up many pages in the history, and clicking through sets of 50 for something in the multiple hundreds or even thousands is both slow and causes browser lag. A simple drop down and "sort by most recent" would solve these problems and increase convenience.

    One streamer I moderate for is chronically anxious about rejecting or completing the history, and has hundreds of thousands of entries in the queues going back years.…

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  6. The new feature that allows people to tag creators in the channel title does not currently work in Mod View. Having that not visible in the title in Mod View makes the feature feel like it's not working and if a mod happened to want to look more into the creators that are being tagged, they would have to manually search for that creator or find them in the viewer list (which, there is no guarantee that someone being featured on the stream would be in the viewer list) which defeats the purpose of having the feature in the first…

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  7. Similar to how only the mods and streamer can see a "Staff" category in the User List, it would be great for there to be a "Restricted Users" category that they could see as well that would show any users in chat who are either monitored, restricted or banned from chatting. This would be a great tool for actively monitoring those who are stalking and harassing a streamer without them having to type in chat. For those that have first time follower/chatter restrictions, it would allow mods to see brand new/ban evading accounts trying to wait out the restriction time.…

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  8. Display what channels im a mod for as well as ask for approval for becomming a mod.. as a safety thing.. as i am a mod for a channel i do not know anything about. i or at least let me know what the channel is

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  9. Mod view should be similar to the broadcasters view with the ability to add panels that fit them such as a raid button, a pole button, all the things to make the mods job simpler.

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  10. New channels have MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS to fulfill to gain relevance. Why are there no requirements to become a moderator? they have "POWERS" and FUNCTIONS similar to the OWNER of the channel, and yet there is no filter to make them a moderator.

    I want to bring in a requirement for an account to be able to become a channel moderator.

    • Requirement: minimum time of account creation, for example, for someone to be able to add another account as moderator to his channel, the account has to be at least 3 days old or 7 days old.

    Every day there are…

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  11. Using latest Chrome browser edition, i'm unable to do /slash commands, @, or reply to specific chats; basically anything that has a popup overlay in Mod View. This happened after /shoutout was pushed live on the service. I'm able to do all these things in normal channel chat view.

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  12. Allow Mods to access a channels full history beyond the last 100 items in the activity feed. If a channel gets a mass follow or hate raid or bot spam, then last 100 items in activity feed could get used up fast. Same goes for Hype Train times when there could be more then 100 user events that a broadcaster would like to acknowledge. So, having access to a full days or weeks log link/page could be beneficial

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  13. Mod View - Dynamically update Message history on a User Card.

    Currently a User Card can be opened for a user of interest to see their Messages / Timeouts / Bans / Mod Comments. Once open any new Messages from that user do not appear in the card. This would be useful when 'monitoring' that user.

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  14. it will be better if moderators can delete their own message on the chat.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. I am a moderator for quite a few channels. But I have a huge issue with the mod view interface. It is designed poorly by twitch, this is an example of the issue:

    Can you make adjustments to the following sections ?

    Section 1: please make this smaller? It does not need to be that **** huge. I do not care to see someone's twitch banner. All I need to see is the text. Shown.
    Section 2: it is impossible to resize to be able to see someone's past messages. It is very difficult to use as a moderator.…

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  17. Flashing panels on mod view when using Safari 15.5 on macOS 12.4

    The panels from the mod view that overlay the stream start flashing making it impossible to interact with them or even see their content

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  18. Moderators and long term watchers are marked with "Suspicious User monitored by" followed by nothing. There does not appear to be any ban evasion or similar involved, and no reason is given. Users marked as suspicious in this way do not appear in Suspicious User Activity. Seems to only occur when using channel point redeems.

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  19. Upfront: Please open a User-Voice section dedicated to the Mod-View - Why does the Creator Dashboard have one and the Mod-View not?

    1. In the user view (clicking on a user in mod-view or when reviewing an unban request), seeing when a user was timeouted or banned is so useless without seeing the message the ban was for. Please just show the last 5 messages they had before the ban and put a link to the chat-thread where I can look at more. I don't want to scroll 900 messages to see what an old ban was for. This should be…

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  20. Please add a tooltip to popup to show the name of the Category when hovering the mouse over the Category image in Mod View.

    The name of the Category can popup on the mouse in the same way the tooltips popup when hovering over the docked widgets.

    The Category image is small and sometimes it is not always noticeable what the game is by looking at the small picture.

    Currently you need to click to open the category page or look at the URL destination in the browser to confirm the name of the Category when hovering over the Category…

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