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Channel Points



47 results found

  1. Let all channels ask their viewers to Boost This Stream. Except perhaps the channels who don't need boosting but are already doing fine for viewership.

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  2. I worry about the boosting system overtaking the current recommended system and missing an opportunity of a lifetime here.
    Over the years I have met many people because the recommended list shows people on my channel to people who frequent other streams that have followers/viewers from my stream.
    this is a very nice and organic way of promoting people.

    I start to see how this new system will only favour the people who have the biggest spenders, as I can see that over time the organic method will be overrun by paid promotions and not relevant to what the viewers…

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  3. I have just completed my first Community Challenge with the viewers in my community and met the goal. The issue now is that I finish the goal and do not know who contributed the most channel points and I want to know who did because I have three prizes but now way to know who gets 1st, 2nd, &3rd.

    I wish that the challenges would show the amount of the points used per viewer in my channel in a point break down to simplify it, rather me having to realize that I would have to manually track the channel points…

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  4. The new Boosttrain feature is very confusing. It only happens in smaller streams, where the chance is less likely that the streamer and their viewers do not have all Hype emotes yet, and does not give much incentive to the viewers, as everyone knows, just because the stream will be recommended to a lot of people, doesn't mean these people will actually click / letalone stay after just stopping by one time. according to this, , boosttrains are supposed to happen as an extra incentive, not a replacement to regular hypetrains, but the boosttrains I have experienced so far…

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  5. whether or not, we all know boosting can help, but, to what degree? If boosting is a mainstay feature, why not make it more noticeable. Increase its use so more people can see smaller creator streams. If it requires more channel points to boost, to get the results, so be it. However, having the stream boost does little to nothing in terms of discovering new streamers on the platform.

    The boost feature should be just that. It should WANT new people to discover new streams, even if it may not be what they initially wanted.

    for example: if a channel…

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  6. If you advertise my channel on the main page, means what? There will be people interested playing Metin2? Just an example. The mixer idea was very good, a special channel in each category, hosting randomly streamers playing the game in the last 3 squads left (Fortnite/Apex Legends) In this way, the small streamers get advertise to the right type of viewers which are actually interested on that type of content. Just an idea .....

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  7. It would be more easier if big streamers and partners did receive a bonus for hosting and raid and promote smaller channels.
    Twitch is going to have a massive issue soon.
    After the pike of growth and quarantine demanding at some point in 2 years from 2021 (or less). Twitch will get boring because the only people who get to survive doing this are the big streamers massively caputing viewers for what?
    Plain same show, just shouting and screaming and doing non-sense. Ceelebreties with teenager actitud. This will work as long as viewers always remain teenagers ?

    If big streamers…

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  8. So being part of the boost your stream beta I have noticed that 2 days is a really short time especially if it launched when you are not streaming the next day. I think giving 4 or 5 days would give the streamer less stress about having this amazing opportunity.

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  9. How about a way where if a small streamer or struggling streamer donates to a charity twitch is featuring they get put on a rotating banner on Twitch main page for feature. Must average below 10 viewers on average. It can be daily or weekly and if its a lot of donations then weekly to be sure they get promoted. Promotion stays up depending on donation amount. Just a thought.

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  10. Contributing channel points to Community Challenges is not lurk-friendly. Users are "called out" when the contribution is posted in chat. Please allow us to contribute our channel points anonymously.

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  11. What I am thinking would be a channel point booster that would allow everyone in the channel to reach a Twitch Specified Goal i.e Twitch would scale the amount needed. Once the amount of channel points were pooled by the community it would trigger a community channel points "hype train" during this time anyone using bits would receive a specific percentage off their bits 5% , 10% similar to when the heart events go on. They could also receive a price break on any gifted or purchased subs during this time. I think this would bring in a lot of…

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  12. Put on the Activity Feed the name of the person who donated and how many channel points they donated so that the streamer can easily acknowledge them rather than just seeing the total amount of channel points they donated.

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  13. Que se puedan modificar los puntos del canal que se pueden apoortar para un desafio comunitario

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  14. How about @Twitch adds 5 more levels to hype trains. The more support a hype train gets, the more boosted a channel gets as a reward. Use boosting as an incentive to support a channels hype train (On top of the already exclusive emotes already gained). That way viewers are supporting creators, creators are making money, and Twitch makes more money via higher tiered hype trains. Everyone’s happy. #bladesideas

    Your Friend,


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  15. What about add a posibility for viewers to tip each other?
    Like send about 10 points for a message, that was in a chat.
    Also you can add an icon near the message with number of tips.
    To avoid abuse moderator would be able to cancel tips.

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  16. 2 votes

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  17. bonjour twitch, je voudrais proposer mon idée concernant la visibilité sur twitch. je me disais que s'il était possible de créer des points pas pour les chaines comme il existe déjà mais plutôt des points de compte, et avec des niveaux, auxquels on pourrait gagner de L'XP en découvrant de nouveau streamer, ou aussi dépensé ses points personnels dans des accessoires personnels ou des utilités en interaction avec les streamers

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  18. Several community members who have already used points towards a Stream Boost goal (including myself) are unable to use any more points when a new Boost Stream opportunity pops up. This issue has persisted across days and streams.

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  19. HI! I thought about an idea where instead of the boost "just popping up" on stream randomly, we can get a ticket or token that we can activate or turn on. Once turned on you can't turn it off until it expires. It would give communities a chance to make it special or even schedule it. It could have an expiration date so it will motivate the streamer to start it soon. I would love if we could hold the boost for another stream, giving time to prep, again. That way the streamer can talk about it on social medias…

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  20. Türkiye'deki kullanıcılar, kanal puanlarıyla neden oylamaya katılamıyor, biz adam değil miyiz

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