Paid promotion via boost trains
I worry about the boosting system overtaking the current recommended system and missing an opportunity of a lifetime here.
Over the years I have met many people because the recommended list shows people on my channel to people who frequent other streams that have followers/viewers from my stream.
this is a very nice and organic way of promoting people.
I start to see how this new system will only favour the people who have the biggest spenders, as I can see that over time the organic method will be overrun by paid promotions and not relevant to what the viewers want to watch. this will give loads of click-through, sure. what's better for everyone is retention. people are more likely to stay and spend on a streamer if they like them.
If boosts are only temporary (24h) or until a fatcat overtakes your boost level then let's say the $300 your community spent in the boost train was for nothing. :(
If it's just the number of heads, I feel that this is missing an opportunity.
How do you know that the account being recommended has an active viewer? Again this is only profiting the streamers that are getting huge amounts spent on them.
If 10% of the people recommended actually click you and then only 1-2% stay, this is a VERY small number of people.
What I'm getting at here is that if boosts were a site-wide leaderboard and you could look them up like you could search for hype trains even better their own category within each game category.
Every bit spent is to boost your streamer higher up the list for that month. This would be a huge incentive for people spending as it's about promoting the streamer they are supporting, knowing that for every gifted sub, bit, super chat ripoff is going towards promoting them!!
This is HUGE! this would help the discovery issues people have on twitch. If per game category you have boosted streamers.
Yes, this favours the bigger channels and those that stream more, lets's be real here it's all about money! This also allows the smaller streamer that gets a huge dono/train to get to the top from time to time! keeping things fresh.
You then have the people that have more free cash have the ability to play the system a little.. how cool is that for a month?
You could then look in the xxxxxx games and see what stream has the most boosts this month.. making it a competition between streamers for the top position! awesome!
let's say you are #1 for 6 months then you get a main page promo day or a featured spot at the top of the boots category as a thank you.
Or something similar, it's all automated so it is not like this take any extra work from anyone.
I just don't want to see paid boosts take over the recommended list!
It's hard enough to be discovered on twitch as it is, we don't need the only way to be squed over money when there are MUCH better ways of making more and serving the right goal.