Increase Boosting Potential
whether or not, we all know boosting can help, but, to what degree? If boosting is a mainstay feature, why not make it more noticeable. Increase its use so more people can see smaller creator streams. If it requires more channel points to boost, to get the results, so be it. However, having the stream boost does little to nothing in terms of discovering new streamers on the platform.
The boost feature should be just that. It should WANT new people to discover new streams, even if it may not be what they initially wanted.
for example: if a channel receives a boost potential, and it costs 60K to 100% to complete that goal, those channel points and the goal it reflects upon, should also, to some degree be reflective upon how many times people are willing to see and willing to click a new stream. Meaning that, if it costs X amount it should be X amount of new faces
the point being is that 60K points should not = 6 new viewers
60K points should have a discoverability amount of 16 new viewers
and so forth. That's what boosting should do.