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12 results found

  1. Right now if you complete a level 100 Hype Train you will only get KappaInfinite instead of getting BleedPurpleHD, HeyHeyGuys, and PogChomp as well. This leads viewers to feel like they are ripped off because this generally isn't how game progression works.

    When we beat a level we expect a reward from that level to be unlocked. We do not expect that reward to be overwritten by a higher level forcing us to have to do it again to unlock the lower tier reward. This is a normal tenet of game design and should apply to Hype Train rewards as…

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  2. Currently, if someone anonymously supports a streamer during a Hype Train, they won't be rewarded any of the emotes. It's almost as if Twitch doesn't recognize their donation. I understand that's the purpose of anonymously supporting a streamer; however, since Twitch knows we cheered/gifted, why is it that the donator isn't rewarded the emote?

    The one thing that comes to my mind is how Hype Trains lists the top supporters. Although, they could also list them as Anonymous there.

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  3. If you already have a Golden Kappa emote and you manage to participate in ANOTHER Golden Kappa train before the first one expires, the 24h timer DOES NOT refresh when you complete the new train!

    This is non-obvious, and seems counter-intuitive.

    I submitted this as a bug and I was just told that, quote:
    "Please note that it is not a bug, and working as intended at this time. It doesn't refresh the expiration time when participating in another Golden Kappa Hype Train."

    PLEASE change this behavior! There is currently no indication that this unexpected behavior is what Twitch is…

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  4. Please change the Hype prefix. Sometimes I want to look for a hype emote from people I subscribe to but I cannot find them because the Hype train emotes take up the whole preview list (when I type :hype).

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  5. Don't claim all hype train emotes are permanent and then take away the Golden Kappa from the Golden Kappa Hype Train. Let the users keep it forever as a status symbol (retroactively too). Then more people will want to watch more often for a chance at the Golden Kappa, and then pay more to get that Golden Kappa. By taking it away, you've hurt your brand and user trust, causing viewers to not participate in Golden Kappa Hype Trains, this earning Twitch less money. So, give the Golden Kappa back.

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  6. We need new set of Hype Train emotes more often than now. Current ones have been up 7 months already. Also the harder to get Bonus Emotes should be animated type. Like others suggested before, if refresh is this slow an option to backfill from earlier sets should be added.

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  7. When putting the Hype Train Emotes on the Help pages, could you add an image map so that hovering over each icon will give its chat phrase. This would allow people the option to type each one into chat to work out what ones they do or don't have without trying to look at the smaller icons in chat interface.

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  8. When a hype train completes, if you have all the emotes you're eligible to get for its level, after looking through lower level emotes, the next step should be filling in old emotes from previous hype train sets. This would also incentivize more bits donations and sub gifts.

    I missed out on HypeUnicorn4 and I'm very PJSalty about it.

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  9. For the future set of new hype train emotes can we please get an anime or game theme set? and maybe add some animated hype train emotes under bonus

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  10. Please remove the hypecreep emote.
    I have arachnophobia and I think I speak for all of us who have it that it creates unnecessary anxiety.
    I watch twitch to relieve anxiety and relax.

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  11. We need more hype train emotes. I've unlocked them all, and I only get the same ole conductor badge each time. Maybe give out special emotes for those who unlock all the hype train emotes? Or even a special badge for those who always participate in the hype train.

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  12. The hype train is such a cool way to show support and to get everyone in a good mood for a little while, but the emotes offered leave a lot to be desired. I believe people would be much more inclined to support a hype train if streamers were allowed to put their own custom emotes instead. No one really uses Twitch's provided hype train emotes. It would be a really good way to reward supporters by offering them permanent emotes that they would actually be excited to use.

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