Merge "Home" and "About" tabs
Information on the "home" tab is useful, but I don't want it to be the first thing people see when they come to my channel. I'd much rather they see the panels that I paid to have designed, and the information I put there specifically to be front and center.
I do like the information such as Recent games played, and the other channels to check out. I'd like it if there were a way to merge the two so that the information on the home tab is readily accessible, but NOT what immediately greets the viewers.
AnyMEmdq commented
And since we are at it, let us arrange the panels as we want, instead of it being dictated by screen resolution. My panels are arranged to look good with 3 columns (1080), but they suck with 5 (1440). I get you did that so that mobile (1 column) can see them properly but, they seldom use the about section, because of the many many issues with the app. So what about letting us at least decide a maximum of columns, and populate each column as we like, instead of the floaty bs we have now?
VariablyGeeky commented
While initially and immediately against this, the only way I would be remotely okay with it is if home went to the bottom of my about page.
First, let's look at why it is likely Twitch won't do anything about this and why it is how it is:
Simply put, Home = Money for Twitch and About = No Money for Twitch.
• Recent Broadcasts/VODs = Ad Rev (more for them)
• Recently Streamed Categories = Increases chance to retain visitors to your offline page. Which means second chance to make money.
• Suggested Streamers = The Live (in red)/offline status is there for a reason. This sections, and even more so a red Live status, gives Twitch another chance to make money off visitors coming to your channel while you are offline. Those people may spend money if properly welcomed in those streams. At very least, lend to ad watching.On the surface this "Home" page seems tailored to the Streamer. However, very little of it is *for* the streamer.
Everything else said here is true, the personality and design of panels and the more specific streamer information put on the About is more important for a streamer and their community (even those that have been apart of it). There are stream schedules (in a much more direct way than Schedule tab), About, Current/Up-coming games, and affiliation links/codes, etc.
But none of this makes Twitch money.
Heck, they don't even care enough about the streamer to take the "About" snippet at the top of the about page and duplicate it over to the Home Page. At least then on the home page you have immediately access to social media links and they could modify the about snippet to include a schedule summary if schedule information is filled out. Each day could then link (in Twitch's purple) to the schedule tab for nearest day of that week filled out (or very least that upcoming week) to show detailed information in regards to what game/category.
(Proposed change as a mock up. Please ignore spacing and such as this is not official.
Yes, this may double up where the About section is located, and from a design perspective this bothers me. However, Twitch already has no issue with this if it will make them money. As the video elements on the home page are just re-referenced first row of your Videos tabs. Not to mention, they take the last broadcast and put it in the hosting/offline section at the top of the page (this alone could be redesign to hold more videos instead of a home page by adding a carousel). Whether hosting or last VOD they are making money in this section too.
minikanelive commented
This would be far better, allowing the streamer to customise there page... atm the new update removes controil over the combustibility of current layout
minikanelive commented
About tab should be the home tbh xD making the home tab FULLY customisable would be best, but i do hate how the "home" made to let people "explore more" removes the discord, social links and other links the streamer has put for the viewer to explore
Pumpkinberry commented
I really love what Twitch has done with nearly everything about this new profile page, however I agree with this.
It should take as little clicks as possible for people to get the information that they want when first visiting a stream. If you want to include the categories we normally stream, perhaps put that on the schedule page, where that information makes sense? It's huge and takes up a very large portion of the page and if the streamer is hosting someone, their first impression landing page is now 70% other people. (Who they are hosting, and who they are recommending down on the bottom.)
When I come to someone's profile, I want to see who they are, their schedule, maybe even some clips of their stream to get a feel for them. The information that should be first and forefront is who the streamer is, maybe allow us to highlight a VOD or Collection or top 7 Day Clips if we so choose.
I definitely think the first landing page should be a mix of the current one and the About page.
ZinoPrimo commented
Hard agree, I think that's the most prominent thing I think of when I imagine most user's twitch channels is their extremely diverse and iconic panels.
Don't get me wrong, the info ON the home page seems useful, but the customization that goes into the channel panels on the about page is too important to be left under an "about" button that I GUARANTEE won't be clicked very often. Please don't make every channel feel similar by moving the fun customizable stuff in a corner away from the world.
Twitch, if you REALLY want all the channels to have a certain baseline of quality across them all, then just provide some simple sample templates for everyone to just add text to. Users who want to customize heavily can invest as much time into them as they want, and user who don't can type "ABOUT ME" in a box, have a cool design that YOU designed show up, and everyone calls it a day.
EDIT: And if you GENUINELY can NOT find it in yourselves to change how it currently is, just add more options, like allowing the about page to be made the default, or any other tab for that matter. I'll bet there's some sicko here who would LOVE if chat was dead center on their page. The option to default to it on their home page would rule.
mijichu commented
Agreed, panels should be the first thing to display. Panels are the #1 way people have been communicating information (and there's apps, etc.) so hiding it on the second page.. casual visitors won't click, and won't see it. The personalised info there is way more important that what the game categories or recent broadcasts are.
Korlian81 commented
Agree. I came here cause I didn't see the point in splitting these myself. And if for some unknown reason you're dead set on keeping them seperate, at least make the About page the default landing page.
CharliePryor commented
Definitely agree. The panels are super important, and are also an investment made. They are critical to showcasing the cultural and personality design of the channel, and are essential to be shown first. Having "Recent Broadcasts" is already something in that banner at the top they can scroll through, and there's an easily accessible Videos tab already for that. Show our panels first please.
Kismet commented
I agree as well. Some streamers, such as myself, have contracts & arrangements with sponsors for the About Panel Page. The ability to Merge or Set the About Page as the primary page is important.
Nerdy_Senpai commented
The "About" tab with all of the panels should be the default landing tab - The panels should be the default that all users see when they go to a channel, as this is a place where streamers use their panel design to show off their personality and the theme of their channel. It is much more useful to have this tab be the default when users first click on any channel, since this is where they will get an overview of users at a glance.
stevieraedrawn commented
Agreed! Our about section is the place where we can make the sales pitch for ourselves--especially since it will have a video trailer at the top. It's redundant to show a video trailer followed by more untailored videos.
I want the first thing they see after my video to be a "call to action" of my choosing, something like:
1. Watch my next stream at _____ times.
2. Follow my channel.
3. Follow my twitter to get updates about my stream.
4. Join my Discord to meet me and my community until my next stream!Anything like that would be more empowering to help US grow our communities the way we know how.
ZakkieVR commented
Definitely agree, while the info on home is nice, I think I'd rather my viewers could see my panels and other information first
Lana_Meadows commented
Yeah have About as default then Home could be renamed "Activites" or something like that.
daveyalexander93 commented
Maybe not merge, but definitely swap them over.
h4ckNinja commented
Merge or swap, yes. And I agree with the other comments - we are basically advertising for others before we get a chance to introduce ourselves.
Spifariffic commented
Either merge or flip them, so much time and effort has gone into making that information relevant to our viewers accessible in an immediate sense. Having that get buried behind previous uploads and related channels is incredibly frustrating and reduces our ability to communicate with our viewers.
Also, the NUMBER ONE question I get is about my schedule, so having that buried behind other things is also horribly frustrating. Putting schedule (if one chooses to use it) at the top, then panels, then whatever is on the 'home' tab - that would be vastly preferable.
twenty20sight commented
I very, VERY much dislike having it default to Videos. I worked really hard on my About section, and if I'm live, I don't want people exploring my videos; I want them interacting with me live. If I'm offline, the link to the Videos page is plenty.
Basically I don't want to have to go through my page and delete VODs that weren't all that great just because I can't control which ones your algorithm chooses to display.
MonsterChels commented
I agree with this, panels and streamer info should be the first thing someone sees when they visit a channel. I definitely feel like these two tabs could be merged together. Could maybe get rid of the recent videos section since there's already a tab for it and have the rest of the info from the "home" and "about" tabs merged together.
Basidion commented
Agreed, we're essentially advertising other channels (that we didn't personally select) before we are actually introducing ourselves, our content, our vision, etc. There aren't a lot of people who scroll down and read the panels, let alone if they're on a completely different tab, I feel.