Hours Watched Feature
It would be amazing if you could see how many hours you've watched Twitch for, or better, how many hours you've watched a specific twitch channel for!
MissChibiGoddess commented
make it a top 10 panel like gifted subs/top 10 bit cheers list. be a third one.
Rosuav commented
This is currently something that a number of channel bots track, but it'd be great to have it as part of the core platform.
ARtonaleVeloce_ commented
You enter the nickname of the person and it shows you how much time the person spent watching the channel
bison_42 commented
socklessboi2_1 commented
That'd be pretty cool to have the ability to know
timi7171 commented
AshravenTV commented
Bumping this! I am very curious as to who I've watched the most!
luky_smuky commented
yes, please add this
toefungis commented
pls pls pls add this, this is only a positive thing. no reason not to have it
9flee commented
CodyLF2 commented
anotherusernametaken commented
I would like to see a top 10, so for example the top 10 streams ive been watching this year. Ranking from 1-10.
zeavaka commented
Hello. Please add the ability to view statistics as a spectator:
the number of hours of viewing in general, separately for each streamer, with the ability to watch by year -
ItsCuldan commented
sebastianlokaso commented
FerSilfore commented
allow users to view how long theyve watched channels for on a monthly basis and show how long viewed on certain streams
ahzahin commented
RipaBTW commented
Yes please
Michael commented
OMGparticles commented
I was thinking about who to spend my Prime sub on this month, and decided I would do it based on which channel I watched the most in the past month. But it looks like the only way for me to know that right now is just to guess off the top of my head. It would be nice to be able to see our personal watch history sorted by total time viewed. This could be both in the past 30 days as well as all-time total viewing time (if this is recorded).
An example of something similar would be how Steam can show you your playtime for any games you've played in the past two weeks, as well as your top played games of all time.