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44 results found

  1. I use the Highlighter to trim my VODs. Highlights are then added to themed Collections on Twitch, and are also exported to YouTube. Today is 1st October, and within the last week I have noticed a frustrating inconsistency between the Highlight video playback on Twitch and the version exported to YouTube. Highlights I’ve created before 19th September are not affected.

    In summary.
    A Highlight video is made with single or multiple segments based on the VOD timecodes. The authored Highlight video in the Twitch video player does not play the segments at the timecodes set in the editor, instead each…

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  2. The clip editing system is sensational. It saves time and also money, as there are websites that require you to pay to do this service.
    But I believe there are still some "simple" tools that will help a lot.
    - Cut the clip. There are some clips that you are not interested in at the beginning or end of it, but there is no trim option. With that in mind, the cutting tool would be interesting, which allows you to cut the video timeline and edit it however you want (only in the clip, obviously).
    - Option to customize my…

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  3. コレクションにまとめた動画の順番を変更する方法が、今のところ手作業しかできない。動画の数が多くなってくると非常に大変な作業です。

    The only way to change the order of the videos in a collection is currently by hand. This is a very difficult task when the number of videos becomes large.
    I would like it to be possible to change the order automatically without having to do it manually.
    For example, "oldest first", "newest first", "by name", etc.
    Thank you in advance.

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  4. I love to make clips, it's one of my favorite ways to interact with the community. I think I'm well over 1000 clips created at this point, mostly from one streamer's channel. Trying to find anything is a nightmare. The best way I've found to search is to sort by date and scroll until I think I'm in the range of the clip I want, press ctrl+F, and type in a word I think is in the title. Then, because I can't read more than one or two words from the title column, I have to guess which one on…

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  5. Please add a Like and Dislike Button for Clips in Discovery Feed so that we see more clips we would like

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  6. When ever I have paused a stream, and left the tab open. It has every single time been irritating when i am raided into a new channel. Sometimes i am on mobile and use up all my mobile data without knowing, sometimes I pause a stream and leave the PC before i go to bed, and then wake up because i've been raided into some stream. Or im inside a game and i don't know where the sound is coming from and have to go through my 20-30 some tabs in the middle of a game.

    When I have paused…

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  7. When you download a clip the filename is non-descriptive. It should have the same name as the title of the clip. When downloading multiple clips it's difficult to keep track of them right now.

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  8. It's been behaving like this for about a week or two now.

    I'll make a highlight with a very specific length and when I play it back it's longer than it should be


    When I created this I used 1:19:47-1:20:38 from the source broadcast, or 51 seconds long

    Yet the final video plays beyond the 51 second mark and ends up being 59 seconds somehow!?

    See also, mark a chunk, have a cut and mark another chunk. The finished product has no cuts for some reason?

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  9. The recent change to limit the editing and deletion of featured clips to only the channel owner may not be the best solution. It would be better to provide an option for the OP to request for deletion as well.

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  10. Sometimes I hop through a bunch of different streams and would like to go back but if the browser history doesn't have it, it can be impossible to find. It would be nice if Twitch had a list of the last 20 or so streamers you visited and you could pick from that list.

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  11. Give users the ability to transfer ownership of clips they have made from one account to another but, have it on a cool down after they do it.

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  12. Please show view count for Clips in Discovery Feed

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  13. Bien cuando creas un clip y le dices que quieres poner tu nick, te lo pone siempre en horizontal, bien os recomiendo que pongáis más de una posición, por ejemplo a la izquierda girado 90 grados sólo con el nombre sin más añadidos, o que el propio streamer suba una marca de agua que se pueda poner en la posición que el mismo quiera, no creo que sea tan difícil de implementar y a muchos les puede gustar la idea de personalizar su marca de agua en la posición que ellos quieran.

    Saludos y espero os guste mi sugerencia.

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  14. When watching a VOD, every couple of minutes a batch of ads plays. That's fine. However I often have the VOD running in an inactive window while doing other stuff. After the ads, the VOD doesn't continue playing unless I click the window. However, even if it just finished a batch of ads, the same ads will run again before the VOD starts back up. God forbid I click away from the window because it will do the same thing again without ever starting the VOD. To be honest this feels scammy towards the advertisers who pay you to play…

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  15. Found a bug where clip creation button isn't visible unless video is opened in popout player; furthermore, in popout player, the clip button is there but neither it nor the keyboard shortcut work

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    Gathering Interest  ·  Ana responded

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  16. Recently Twitch changed something in the Twitch clips editor. I have now TWICE deleted ALL MY CLIPS on accident! I have NEVER had this issue before, and this is driving me crazy!! PLEASE add a double warning or SOMETHING... or a REVERSE option because this is super frustrating! I try to delete ONE clip and then suddenly they are ALL GONE!! ugh

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    Gathering Interest  ·  Ana responded

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  17. I would love to have a mod I trust edit a clip for me and export it to YouTube or tiktok.

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  18. Would be nice to be able to select a frame from the vod preview as a thumbnail for the video.

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  19. Add an option to have your messages not show up on VODS.

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  20. Let users be able to hide their names from clips but, add the options for creators and mods to delete clips and ban users temporary or permanently.

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