Ads Incentive Program
We are launching a new ad program aimed at providing predictability for your ad revenue. How it works is that you stream for a specific number of hours — while running ads — in exchange for a flat payout. The goal is simple: help you earn a more predictable monthly income through ads, with no ceiling on earning potential. We want to help remove the guesswork of your monthly ad payout. We’ve built it on top of Ads Manager so it is easy to use. Just set your ad schedule and you are ready to go.
The Ads Incentive Program is available for select Creators in the Ads Manager section of your Creator Dashboard (as a note we are not currently accepting requests to join the program).
These offers are just the beginning for this program. You can find out more information here:
Twitch Blog:
Help Article:
We expect to improve this experience over time in order to make the lives of creators easier and we look forward to hearing your feedback.
Hey everyone! Popping in to let you all know we are wrapping up this post in UserVoice, however please feel free to continue to leave us suggestions for the Ads Incentive Program in the respective category in UserVoice, which can be found here. For more information on this program, please visit our blog and help article for additional details.
We appreciate your feedback, thank you all and have a wonderful day!
TermitesRGood commented
Interesting program twitch has going here I started to stream back in 2012 before that Justin/tv 2010…this should have been rolled out to the older streamers first.. Reason I say this someone could start streaming for the very first time qualifying for affiliate then be selected for this program hope you prevent that for happening… hope am selected Cheers :)
ValkyMeow commented
Se sabe cuando será el próximo lanzamiento de la beta?
jx_20 commented
jx_20 commented
gzoom55 commented
Daani_L commented
[PT] oxi queria tanto ter sido selecionada 😢
[EN] I so wish I had been selected 😢 -
navyjonny117techandgaming commented
Unfortunately, this AIP is only rolled out to a few selected Partners and Affiliates which I think was and still is unfair. I mean, some of us stream for 8 - 10 hours a day Mondays to Fridays but gets nothing in return for that. Lots of viewers complaints about the Ads running on my channel but I don't really get anything for that.
I think, that Twitch must increase the hours from 40 - 150 hours per month or 200 hours per month if possible in order to roll this AIP feature out globally. That being said, then broadcasters/content creators (me included) cannot complain if we don't get paid on a monthly basis between $100 , $200 and $500 a month. It will be our own doing if we do not meet that threshold per month.
Most streamers (including me), depends on the fixed monthly income (AIP) because streaming lots of hours are really tiring. Not only streaming, but as a content creator, one should interact with viewers plus focus on gaining momentum on Twitch.
It will be so great if Twitch looks into this and maybe increase the hours in the coming months in order for us as streamers to earn a fixed income.
L0BBYLORD commented
How do i become part of this program?
HellsJanitorTV commented
But where are the stream display banner-style ads we were promised? I used to run scheduled ads to remove prerolls but stopped doing it because the full-screen ads interrupting the broadcast were way too intrusive, and ruined the viewing experience for a lot of people.
If we could have the stream display ads, and have some sort of notification that these ads were in fact being used, I would run mid-rolls a lot more frequently.
VickTV commented
Any news on the brazilian streamers? We're going to have access to this tool?? I hope so.
GoofGuy commented
If we ran ads at a consistent time already to remove prerolls, we get nothing else. Why not increase our discoverability for running ads in the first place?
Adding this incentive program helps with a tiny amount of revenue since not everyone already has been offered here, but can we get even bigger discoverability including consistent front page access for running or being part of this program? We're here to build a community, not sell ads to them on the hope they buy a random product that we don't even know what ad is running and what is being shown to the community. Us streamers are completely out of the loop here. Why not directly foward us to the advertisers as well? We can probably sell better too.
Can we even have our clips showcased on twitter and instagram to help grow our channels? Win for twitch, win for streamer, win for advertiser? The biggest way to make this adoption work is to allow everyone to run it from the get go and make the amount of money earned to scale by being transparent. We know we're making peanuts per CCV compared to what advertisers are paying for a slot anyway.
Nategah commented
Bonjour, je trouve cette idée vraiment intéressante !
Je suis petit streamer affilié et j'avoue que cela est tres alléchant au vu des dépenses que tout le monde doit faire en ces temps... -
hayyy_0 commented
can you please make it available to everyone right away? i don't think its very fair that a small group of streamers are able to participate. so many streamers rely only on twitch's income (me included) and it would make life SO much easier if everyone had access to it right away.
XTeoRy commented
the best program you could put <3 I am waiting
0nly_luka commented
I`m Twitch Affiliate and stream almost everyday. I hope in future, that I will be selected for this new system.
KeuleCologne commented
I'm on twitch since the Beginning in 2011 .... What's the Thing to be one of the Selected Streamers???? I'm Affiliate and miss 7 times the 75 viewers per month to be aible to be Partner^^
DrGio97 commented
I'm a new Twitch Affiliate will i have access to this Program too? Or do i need some requirments?
PrestonCitron commented
Iam twitch partner, I don't have access to bounty twitch and i dont have any proposition to apply on Ads Incentive Program...
On the last 2 years i streamed in average about 9 hours a day.
Is there some requirements ? -
AstroLimits commented
Is it possible to register to be considered for the launch roll-out? If so, what are the requirements?
uwubuwu4u commented
what do i do?