Reduce the Number and Length of Ads
If I see the number of Ads be 4 or more in a row on any stream, REGARDLESS of how long they are, I am closing the app.
If I am waiting more than 3-5 mins for ads to complete, I will also close the app.
I know Twitch needs its money to run and be profitable, but several ads running 10+ minutes is not it. People will not sit through it. They will just leave.
Find a way to balance the number of ads and time spent watching them, so people will engage the site for longer. Break up ads more. If Ads are ran, wait for 20 to 30 mins before running them again. You want people to stay on the site right?
Our time is valuable, and we can find other sites to watch what we want. If you want viewers on Twitch, the ad amount and durations need to be reduced site wide. More people on the site should bring Twitch more engagement and money.