Watch Time scale for ads BY VIEWER
I don't watch twitch. But I did. I have been actively avoiding it for a couple years now since the ads literally stole absolutely everything I enjoyed about viewing a stream. The first time I wrote a comment, and got a streamer's attention - and then RIGHT as they were reading and answering my comment - boom - 30 second taco bell ad...
It's the most greedy, lazy, and ham handed approach.
Really, my idea will ONLY work if you wake up from your fever dreams of infitine growth and infinite profits - and start LEARNING HOW to CREATE INFINITE PROFITS ... If you set the margins too high my idea won't work.
Basically, I'm a twitch account user. I go inactive for a number of months... When I go to a stream and have to PAY UP FRONT by WATCHING ADS, and then know that at any time I will get a straight DISRESPECTFUL INTERRUPTION ... I leave. I tell my friends that "Sorry, I won't watch twitch". My 5 dollar channel subs expire and - why - STREAMERS EARN IT!!
Infrastructure costs - that is fine. Operations costs, ok. But thiis is a BRAND you guys have, HUGE, with how many people all farming paychecks pushing PAPER in a CIRCLE... while STREAMERS WORK, they Play, they Engage... the good ones. They WANT to grow this is a PROJECT for them... and you all stomp your fat feet in front of them and ABUSE the very people they are trying to ENCOURAGE. ...
You're awful, and why should I come here to tell YOU - "PROFESSIONALS" - how to do your job? HOW to DIGNIFY your Brand, how to RESPECT your customers. How to CONDUCT - MFing BUSINESS. I'm a LOSER that many wish death on PRINCIPLE of POVERTY ALONE and yet - here I am.
This is a lil ranty but this has been coming your way for a long time twitch.
Look, if someone only watches once or twice a MONTH, no more than 10 minutes at a time... No ads for them. Makes sense? .... YOU are INVESTING in MY EXPERIENCE. ... Just like I had to INVEST in TWITCH and YOUR SHAREHOLDERS by missing MY moment to have MY comments read, to be a part of MY "community" as you *****-balls call it... Do you understand?
The more a viewer WATCHES, you slide the ads up to the NORMAL AMOUNT.
Wouldn't it surprise you that - accounts that watch the MOST, that roll all your ads no problem, are probably being streamed to places where people have a different setup, a second screen, a way to WALK AWAY during ads because we ALL do... So they give the LEAST value to your advertisers while at the same time taxing your hardware the MOST...
So fix the inequity. Encourage newer and first time viewers. Give them VIEWER FRIENDLY ADS, and less of them, until they rack up enough time that week that they need to start seeing more ads to "cover your bottom line" as your ham-handed CMs would probably word it. ...
Your awful and greedy and BEYOND saving, STEAMERS will be BETTER OFF without PEOPLE like YOU there at twitch - making stupid decisions that harm their projects.
eloiseronder commented
I completely understand where you're coming from. The constant ads on Twitch can be frustrating and take away from the viewing experience. Your idea of scaling ads based on viewer activity is a great one, and it's surprising that it hasn't been implemented yet. I completed research for my college project and one of my friends recommended to check here reviews. By giving new viewers a more viewer-friendly experience, you're more likely to retain them and encourage them to continue watching. It's a win-win for both the streamer and the viewer.