Ads on Main Player, Stream in Secondary (Watch Party's Player)
Use the Watch Party secondary player, to maintain a Stream while using the Main player to play Ads, while reducing main stream's audio.
Common complaint for people is that Random ads can pop up and ruin the experience or have them miss out on something at the worst time such as a moment or a train or conversation.
But if it's moved to the Top Right secondary player people can still not miss out on the stream while an Ad plays and the reduced Main Stream Audio would not anger advertisers as their video ad is still brought into Focus, additonally a timer before an Ad Player and Transition would help people be ready instead of being abrupt
Additionally when Ads play advertise Twitch Turbo to people in the corner such as "Hate Ads, Sub to Twitch Turbo to skip them" as this could bring it to light for more Twitch users