Ads ignoring the Twitch Language Preference
Ads ignoring the Twitch Language Preference - Irritating
Twitch is set to ENG,
I'm located in GER,
please don't play GER ads. It's very irritating.
Lightpyro83 commented
ads are already annoying.. but when you get ads in language you have not choosen to is really even more annoying.. Twitch staff its time to follow our settings of langauge and what we want to have.. if this is the way you guys think this is the way we gonna buy more subs or even Turbo.. i would not buy that i rather delete my account becouse this gone too far..becouse since i notice i got more spanish ads i get more tired of ads. Lets be honest STAFF would you have ads you dont understand yourself ?? i guess Not.. so why you think we want that ? i think this is the way you basicly tell us Guys pls delete your accounts.. if so im soon out of this page.. i love to watch ppl streams but i guess i go back to YT instead.. there i get english ads where i understand more than spanish..
pls let us know what is your plan..
becouse when i first got spanish ads i was starting to think is this just 1 off nope clearly not so then i have not watched any spanish streamers, and im not in spain so it does not make any sense -
RandomViewsTV commented
am from india and my twitch language is set to ENG but am getting ads in European languages. am like what
AquaBreath commented
I live in israel and i am getting western eu ads.
Nl, germany, u call it. -
angry_it_nerd commented
im getting nothing but spainsh ads and im in phoenix..
Lone_Wanderer43 commented
Since I'm located in Québec, I get something like 60% english ads with 40% french. I just want to have english ads.
Chick3nStripz commented
Crazy to think this post is now over 3 years old, and twitch (lowercase intentional) - which is still valued as a multimillion dollar company at writing - and who obviously cares about its clientele enough to instill things like new Partner+ parameters and new ad revenues - hasn't been able to resolve what is likely a simple relay fix.
Calli_C commented
Mine are playing all spanish. I'm not spanish, and I have english chosen as my set language.
If they want to target this area, it's one of the whitest parts of the country. Not a lot of spanish speakers here.
Maybe try targeting the people actually watching? We all set our language, sell us stuff in our chosen language. -
H3r3t1x commented
Just because people speak french in my country does not mean that everyone who lives here will understand ads in french. These ads are a pointless waste of time and money. Use the preferences we set!
Grimstarzz commented
I live in Belgium, which has Dutch and French as it's main languages, but i dont speak or understand french at all, and yet, 90% of my ads are freaking French.
Might as well show me Chinese ads, since i dont understand anything either way.I dont enjoy ads, but having to watch ads in a language u dont understand is even more annoying. I do have my preferred language set to Dutch.
Unwanted_Endlessness commented
I am so tired of ads in Spanish when everything is set to English. This needs to stop. Little Ceasers ad in Spanish plays constantly no matter what streamer I am watching. This has to be a Twitch Issue assigning ads by area and ignoring language preference.
jthmz commented
Spanish ads here for no reason
Set to English -
Loonessia commented
Same as obajawanke, I have English set, still getting Spanish ads.
Poepsiee commented
I live in the dutch part of Belgium and I keep getting French adds. So annoying.
I just even got a Turkish one, **** if i know what it was about -
obajawanke commented
I live in america near canada border, I speak only english. All of my settings are set to English but i keep getting spanish Ads
RaXnn commented
I live in New Brunswick, Canada, a province that is actually Canadas only bilingual province. I am constantly receiving ads in French. All settings are set to English.
Bimoo__ commented
What about getting nothing but awful German ads while living in Morocco
Slifer_Streaming commented
I'm In America, Twitch Is Set To English, And Yet I Get Spanish Ads.
Krishi_Striker commented
The issue persists...
olivia_libby commented
Sane here, living in Ireland, language is set to English and I'm still getting ads in German, I've never been the Germany or know the language 😂
rimpri commented
I get german adds in Lithuania. I don't speak german.