Increase amount of tags
With the increase in available tags, it would be wonderful to be able to pick more than 5 tags.
Could we get an increase in the amount of possible tags, so we don't have to struggle over which tags we want to go with? Like say, 10?
Adminmrstaffystaff (Admin, Twitch) commented
Hi all, in Discovery-land at Twitch we've been making a bigger effort to read through these threads and think about the changes we can make.
We've updated our max tag count to 10. Beyond that, it's a struggle for us to fit more tags in the UI. We'll keep checking in on this idea so if you have further feedback feel free to make more comments. Thank you for your feedback so far!
Kozaka commented
And again...bittersweet solution. Now you may have 10 and not only 5...Why do you restrict us creators dear Twitch? Only 10 tags? Technically it is not a big deal to add 100 tags. Should be not a big deal.
- commented
thank you for increasing the tag limit... after a year of us asking, but please give us the option to have a space between multi word phrased custom tags at least aesthetically... CustomTags vs "Custom Tags"
no point in adding a long descriptive tag if people searching part of the tag wont show up in a search result. -
Kiyra_Trayata commented
Pretty sure Twitch directed everybody here instead of social media so that it could just be out of sight, out of mind for them. It's been over a year and they continue to ignore it.
I don't get why it's that big of a deal for them to just punch in a higher number in the coding for the tag limit. Or just put the identity tags on the profile like the languages and countries since they don't change. Like why should I have to search through the HUNDREDS of new tags to find the ones that don't change???
On that note, too, hundreds of new tags but still a limit of 5?? What exactly did that accomplish? I should be able to have my identity tags but also still describe what type of stream I'm doing that day (speed run, first playthrough, achievement hunting etc.)
But, we know it's not a priority for them to look out for their content creators cuz they're just focused on what makes people spend money. They don't seem to realize they wouldn't be making that without us content creators.
- commented
any update? would love to increase tags to 10-30 as an example or even be able to have custom tags.
Kozaka commented
I, as a music streamer, would like to have instrument tags beside the music genere tags to tell the people, that I am playing on drums or guitar today. Or both...this is not possible now at all.
And if you add instrument tags, but will not increase the maximum ammount of tags we can use, I have to remove one genere for sake of one instrument tag...this is a problem.
And it is a problem, that 1801 of your main users voted to change that feature, but you did nothing in 1 year.
Fast fix: the place in code, wehere do you say maximum tags allowed 5, just change it to 30 or 100, or remove. And we are happy! To write this message last more than your fix time would be.
Froppsie commented
LGBTQIA+, Pansexual, Closed Captions, First Playthrough, 100%, No Backseating, No Spoilers, She/Her, Cozy, Chatty - I'd love to be able to use all of these on my stream. Discoverability is hard, this makes it just a little easier for us.
winterwarburton commented
I use he/him and they/them pronouns interchangeably; if I use the tags for both of those, that's already 40% of what I have allowed.
Kozaka commented
Why do we want to restrict ourself with the ammount of tags? Unlimited tags? Makes sense.
We could do what we want!
Technically there is like no difference at all, if you have 5 or 25 tags. Just saying.
MamaTamago commented
with the increase in tags it only makes sense to increase the tag limit
StoicWolfGaming commented
Why is there even a limit? If there has to be a limit, 30 would be more than enough, gives folks more choice.
EDL666 commented
Ye we need 20, not 10. And a lot of the tags just shouldn't count against the content limit and instead be attached to the channel as a more permanent thing
glowbush commented
We need more than 5 tags to fully express our identities, let alone describe the genres of our streams. Please give us more tags so we can help our audiences find us.
KitTheGargoyle commented
Please, Twitch! I can't cover everything I want people to know about me with just five tags! I need at least 10!
KamiAnya commented
I now have about 20 tags that are relevant to my identity. Those identities do not change, but I have to choose between aspects of me that are hugely important and relevant at all times. And that's without including stream specific tags! We need to be able to use more than 5!
h2oQueen commented
I agree, I want to see an increase to 10, this allows allows for discoverability and divergence.
Thank you.
aylilgiraffe commented
It would be good to incorporate identity tags into our profile. That would also allow discoverability when we aren't live.
But overall, the tag limit should be increased. Then if it is not a search function to be able to search for multiple tags together so it makes it a bit easier to discover more specific types of streamers.
theFoxoftheAsterisk commented
I'm seeing three major categories of tags that are worth thinking about:
*Identity tags
-should probably be set in the profile, but also you can select them for guests on a particular stream
-probably should not have a limit, but even if they do 5 is much too low*Etiquette tags (e.g. "No spoilers", "Safe space", "Family Friendly")
-also should be set for profile, but also available for a particular stream
-a limit of five-ish is reasonable, although bumping to ten might not be amiss*Content tags
-don't make sense to have on profile, only streams
-a limit of five-ish is reasonable
-using identity tags *as* content tags makes sense, but it should be clear that there's a difference
-(using etiquette tags as content tags does not make sense) -
ForestHagTTV commented
This is definitely super important.
I routinely get "you're only allowed 5 tags" when I've only personally selected 4, and it's really limiting your creators. My stream language should not be taking up one of the five allowed slots.
While you may not be able to handle it right now, a more fleshed out response addressing this alone would be nice.
Even pushing it to 10 at a minimum would be nice for those who feel they need that many to identify themselves fully.
PrismaLin commented
So important!! I need moar tag slots! Even 2 more would be nice