Stop Showing Followed Channels in the "Live Channels We Think You'll Like" Section
If I follow a channel already, why does it continuously show up in the "Live Channels We Think You'll Like" section? What about this makes sense?
Please adjust your algorithm to remove already followed channels from this area and show non-followed channels only.
AviusL commented
Definitely this!! The whole point of "Channels we think you'll like.." is to DISCOVER NEW channels, is it not? Obviously channels I'm already following aren't new xD So it would be nice if they got filtered away to make room for more discoverability on the plattform to other streamers you might not have found otherwise.
runefaced commented
Stop showing channels that I'm already following in Recommendations, one way or another. I'm already following them so it shouldn't recommend them to me again. It clogs up the feed where I can maybe find new people to watch.
Realpsojed commented
The three dots described here
are missing. There is NO way to remove unwanted recommendations from your /directory/following page. Plz fix.