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64 results found

  1. Simply allow full manual sorting of all your followed channel in the sidebar (on desktop, Chrome/Firefox etc.). Additionally give options to sort by subscriber/follower count (add new ideas here..).

    Currently the channels are in what seems to be a completely random order (definitely not alphabetical or by sub/follow count). My most watched streamers which are also big by overall Twitch standards are at the very bottom by default and I need to 1) scroll down, 2) click "more" twice to get to them when they're not live.

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    1. If you Sub to channels and Follow channels there's no distinction. Your Channel Badge when Live for Subs. Red light should have a color blind option and small basic color options for same reason.
    2. Top down ranking of followed channels for purpose of easy access of VOD's. Some channels we get to watch Live some we don't.
    3. Organize followed channels in drop downs by stream type. [2 & 3 can be an either or but 2 still works with 3.]
    4. Mouse over Followed Channel should show channel info: Stream time & days, recent VOD link, pic of streamer, synapse or…
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  2. I am a big fan of how all of my live streamers/friends are constantly shown on the left side of the website now. However, I think it would be nice if we were able to "load more" to see all of the currently online streamers without having to first expand the sidebar. This would provide for a much more immersive experience, as I find the sidebar distracting and intrusive while watching streams.

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  3. it takes up to much room and looks ugly and the only ones it shows is people i FOLLOW already. i dont care about recommend channels i watch who i like give me an option to disable it!

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