please remove recommend channels from the left side bar
it takes up to much room and looks ugly and the only ones it shows is people i FOLLOW already. i dont care about recommend channels i watch who i like give me an option to disable it!
Adameia_ commented
i also agree that they should have an option to disable the recommended area, and the "____ viewers also watch..." area. In addition to these, i think there should be alternative view styles of your followed channels list. i know the "show more/show less" options actually bug some people with OCD or even just in general. i know i find it frustrating even if it isn't triggering for me, i'd love an option to just swap to a scroll window or arrows or something.
sss_115 commented
seems like there's new extension that hides this
TMKDK commented
where do I find this option on twitch?
fattydepp commented
i'd love this too. i need to click "show more" anytime when i would like to watch small streamer i've followed.
saucyprof commented
I just want to see the channels I am following and friends. Recommended channels take up so much room it makes finding the channels I follow hard. It is so cluttered and annoying.
E_mark commented
Currently the recommended channels within the side bar seem to be controlled by a Twitch algorithm with no user input. Although this may not be an issue for a new user it begins to pose a problem with people who have been on the platform for a while. After some time, the recommended channels will begin to show you the same few channels repeatedly with almost no variation. It would be nice to allow some option to remove a channel from the recommended list that I have viewed and am not interested in. It would also be nice to have an option within the user profile to select categories that I am interested in to see new creators from that category.
Acorn_Oakland commented
This would be a good idea as well. Since some channels i get have toxic streamers too.
Oloug commented
Undead_Mage commented
Add a function to disable the recommended channels in your following list. I find most of the recommended channels are not games I like watching so I'd like to remove them all together. It gets annoying having to block endless channels because they don't play games I'm interested in. I know its a small issue, but I just want a clean following interface where I only see those that I follow.