Delete all the whispers with one click
You can hide (delete?) one whisper if you click on the 'x' the right side of the whisper, but what if I want to delete all the whispers with one click. I can mark them all to read, but can't delete all. Please make it possible.
Reason: I have a bot which autohost many channels. Means every channel the bot user visits gets an whisper what says about 'welcome on my channel...'. So now, I have to delete hundreds of messages to be able to see never, real messages (because I turned off whisper possibility and allow for followers/follows only).
Matthew Kelley commented
The only context I could see.. is if someone is spamming. But that's all I can really think of.
Dan M commented
In what context would you ever not want to see what you've previously whispered someone? We have this in chat for moderation purposes, but I fail to see where exactly it would be useful for whispers.
Emily commented
Twitch should have clear chat on WHISPERS messages!