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211 results found

  1. Submitted this in another section of uservoice also under streaming features, but to make this more targeted.

    1) Allow channel moderators the ability to see all clips that are created for a channel they moderate for.
    a) should be able to search clips by specific keyword, category, date, time frame, user
    b) should be able to edit title which may be indexed on 3rd party sites
    c) should be able to "Disable" a clip. This 100% doesn't mean to delete it, only make it non viewable on the internet to the general public. Deletion can then be handled by caster…

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  2. Need to create a gifted sub mode and sub mode. I notice watching gta rp that all streamer go to sub mode and still get a toxic chat because of the gifted subs. Either make it two different modes or make it so that the longest following channel gets the sub and not the new ones that hops into other streams

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  3. I'm a moderator for a small channel, seen that I like to partecipate to other communities there could be the chance to be the mod of other streamers and a feedback tools could be helpful to give this chance. So integrate, for example, after a month that I partecipate as moderator of a community an istrument to give feedback how is good to keep clean and friendly a community.

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  4. I mod for a stream with 2k+ chatters and we often have several mods in at one time. Unfortunately we've had some issues with the ban icon that shows up next to usernames in the chat. When two mods hit the ban icon at nearly the same time, the first bans, but the second mod who hits the icon - even immediately after - unbans the user on accident. This is a bad design, I feel, because if a mod does not notice the user has been accidentally unbanned, then they are free to return and repeat their behavior. It…

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  5. It would be fantastic if as a streamer, I can create canned responses for my mods to use in chat whenever someone violates the rules or has an FAQ. The benefits of this would be:

    • Saved time for my mods as they won't have to type out messages
    • Consistent messaging for my channel
    • Easier to bring on new mods and less of a learning curve

    Let me know if anyone has any feedback!

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  6. Making a moderation feature that allows channel owners to give permissions to each individual moderators. This feature will give certain moderators access to manage commands/other features that only editors could access before. for example twitch has An editor role and a moderator role that can manage the broadcasters channel,right? so by adding a tool that allows certain editor commands/abilities to each individual moderators would be helpful to the channel owner, this command would need to be authorized by the owner of a channel or a editor. similar to how discord servers work(server owner can give any member of the server…

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  7. We need additional buttons at the bottom of the chat next to the "setting" button, such as "subscribers-only mode" and "emote-only mode" instead of open settings or type command, or turn into mod view.

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  8. i wanted more moderator options on the twitch app will this ever happen? or has it been an idea or ect

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  9. Recently there was a change in the permaban system so when you permaban a person he can't see chat anymore. I understand that this is added to prevent harassment and stalking, but I think it's not fair, what does his typing something bad in chat has with his reading the chat? If he violated rules by typing something inappropriate, I just ban him from typing, that's only fair, but I don't want to ban him from reading. It's not only unfair but also encourages people to create alternative accounts to be able to read chat again while they could stay…

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  10. Include a setting that the streamer can set to moderate gifted subs.

    Streamers can turn on and set a threshold setting where the gifted subs need to be approved.

    Therefore, if I set my threshold to 100, that means if one user gifts more than 100, I must approve it.

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  11. Have a slow mode for subscribers.

    There is a possibility for partners to activate a setting in which all subs are immune to slow mode.

    My idea is that there are two different slow modes, one for all users (the one that already exists) and one for subs. My idea is that both are controlled either by chat commands or from mod view.

    This would be useful if you would like to give the Subscribers who are supporting you another benefit, also, as they're paying (or supporting with Prime) they probably are less likely to spam or disobey rules.


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  12. When I open a user's card from the chat, and can see that they've been banned or timed out, each occurrence has a timestamp on it. Make the instance clickable, and have it zoom to that time index in the message log, even if it was month's ago, so I can get context on what they were banned or timed out for.

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  13. Mods cannot timeout/ban each other, so showing the mod actions view adds an unnecessary step when I want to access the simple user actions box. (this intermediary view could be retained for broadcasters, however, in the rare event where the streamer would like to apply a moderation action to a mod)

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  14. userid and userlogin tags for IRC notices would help with further programatic actions instead of replying on parsing the display name from the notice. Parsing a display name does not always work to retrieve user information (e.g. when in Korean).

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  15. I keep "show moderation actions" turned on (adds ban/timeout/delete buttons next to names in chat) in the two channels I moderate.

    The other day I accidentally banned someone while on the chat emote menu, with a simple jiggled-mouse misclick. Turns out the tiny sliver of ban button visible on the left side of the emote/bit panels works just fine.
    I don't care whether I see it, I just don't think it should be usable. In my opinion, the only functional ban buttons should be ones with chat displayed next to them.
    I can't imagine any reason a person would reasonably…

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  16. Sometimes the chat experience is impaired by trolls continually and relentlessly creating/using additional alternative accounts to repeatedly circumvent any ban, return to chat, and continue spamming or harassing the channel.

    I suggest that Twitch provide an additional set of moderation commands, capabilities, and information in the chat-related APIs and IRC interfaces to assist broadcasters and their channel bots to control abuse in these types of situations.

    Some ideas for suggested channel Moderator Commands/Options to Add:

    • "Approved" chatters list - A List/Hash table of unlimited size for any users manually approved by a moderator to chat plus a list of all…
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  17. My issue is that mod settings appear before non-mod settings. I do not use the mod settings that often, and I have sometimes cleared chat by accident.

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  18. A lot of the time I'm chasing a name around a moving chat trying to right click it for the Purge/Ban interface. It would be way easier if I could see a message that needs to be purged that warrants a ban and just right click the message itself to get that popup interface.

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  19. Allow mods to highlight users so that they can see them easier in chat. This would make it easier to mod repeat offenders.

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  20. Right now on the twitch app, you can tap someone’s name for the ban and timeout options to show up. However, when using timeout, it defaults to 10 minutes. Please add options to the timeout feature on the mobile app that allow mods to choose between different set times for a timeout. Such as: 1 second(purge), 1 hour, 1 day, ect. My biggest wish is to just being able to purge someone’s messages from stream when I need to mod from mobile. If more timeout options can’t be added, then at least add a ‘Purge’ option to the app that…

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