twitch mobile layout
revert to the old twitch mobile layout. the new mobile update makes navigating preferred streams irritating. i cant minimize the stream im watching to look at the home page and scrolling through current live streams just does not work well.
coldgyy commented
I would like them to make the followers list a tab just like the streams and clips tab not a button, its very messy rn. also it would be nice if you could organize your followed channels list by viewers high to low like on desktop and automatically land on the followed channels list first rather than auto playing streams in the live tab
Synthwave_420 commented
They legitimately broke this app for everyone who uses their app on iPhones with the minimization option with the new scroll home feature for the streamers you follow. It pauses your minimized browser. Please revert back to the old layout or change it immediately for having an actual home option that isn’t a scrolling system.
Flymic commented
Yes, I agree, the old version was more pleasant to navigate than the new interface.
We used to have an overview of the live events in progress, but now the "follow" button is in an area that's inaccessible to the thumb (for the doitiers). What's more, the title and preview have disappeared, so there's nothing to make us want to go and see what's going on with our favorite streamer.The idea of a stream "à la Tiktok" is without doubt one of the worst possible ideas for twitch, because we come there to spend a moment, for the parasocial link with the person streaming, not just for a few seconds, not to zap.
But in this proposal, what really causes me the biggest problem is that I'm on a cell phone, so with limited data... I MUST control my data flow, use it WHEN I WANT and not EVERY time I launch the application!
One positive point: the stories are better managed and the integration of the buttons at the bottom, grouping "discover" "Search" and "Browse" into 1; access to Notification and our account are facilitated. that's good.
But our old "follow" page is missing T_T