In regards to previous suggestion about merging suggestions
This post was marked as acknowledged and comments closed. Let me explain how your response doesnt address the concerns I rose.
The issue of being silenced is not based on a misconception you imply I have. I understand the topics are technically not lost, but you remove our ability to respond and call out what has not been addressed by your response, and bury information beneath comments on related but distinct issues. One issue with this is that it strips our statements of their specific context, and in some cases completely change the understood meaning of a comment. Taking us out of context often predominantly serves to delegitimize our concerns and paint us as nonsensical, disorganized, and/or incoherent.
Suppressing our suggestions by merging them when twitch deems similar removes the ability for us to make nuanced suggestions. We aren't able to respond to what twitch has said without making a new suggestion, so nuanced suggestions adjusted based on the response from staff get buried and disregarded because of their misunderstanding.
While this is phrased to be applicable to other suggestions, an example to this would be merging suggestions to review the off service conduct policy with the original issue. This makes many of the comments seem out of touch and aggressive. It buries the explanations of how the response was incorrect about the impacts of Autism Speaks and their political work that directed millions of dollars of government funding to curing and "combating" autism through genetic research, which literally amounts to Eugenics and has lead to the physical torture of children all around the world, under all the open and closed suggestions to add charities.
Don't make it out to be that I am accusing you of erasing everything we've said, the fact that I called it merged without notice shows that was never something I was confused about. You are barring people from hearing our voices and from making their voices heard in the first place. That's what the suggestion was made to address. So, please address the suppression of our voices with a policy change about how you handle merging topics.
slotheroozstreams commented
replying to ceaseless_enemy, i also hope they do/did, especially considering they haven't merged or closed this post yet
ceaseless_enemy commented
This is absolutely correct. Fingers crossed they read this.