Turbo Regional Pricing
Please Twitch, explain why Turbo will cost $11.99 in USD and £11.99 in GBP. I live in the UK and so, according to current market rates, that means I'll pay 23% more for Turbo than someone in the US. That can't be right. Did you math wrong or something?
If I consider the old price of Turbo as well, then overall, this is a 64% price increase without any improvements being offered once the new rate takes effect. Could I perhaps get 100 days of VOD storage to go with that price hike, hmm?
MrRiddell commented
I see two possible explanations here.
1. Charitable: Twitch is not providing sufficient RoI and is being forced to aggressively generate revenue by Amazon e.g. significant Turbo price hikes, aggressive ad enforcement.
2. Realistic: Unchecked greed.
I cannot support a company that treats its customers so poorly. I have also immediately cancelled my Turbo sub, as well as my channel subs and instead aggressively ad-block on Twitch.
CathalMeas commented
64% price hike for me to get less than £3 from twitch for ads and turbo combined? Doesn't seem worth it to me. Immediately cancelled mine, I don't even want the discounted months.