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4 results found

  1. Now, Affiliates & Partners can add bonus subscriber benefits to help viewers learn about the additional benefits their channels offer when they click to Subscribe. To start, you can highlight Sub-only Discord channels or Merch Discounts. To do so, head over to your Affiliate/Partner tab under Settings to indicate these Bonus Subscriber Benefits. When enabled, viewers will see a Bonus Benefits pill at the top of the Subscription panel which they can click to quickly review the extra perks they can take advantage of when supporting your channel!

    We're curious to learn about what other Bonus Subscriber Benefits you are…

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  2. Buenas, mi sugerencia es que los afiliados necesitamos mas espacios para emotes en tier 1, 2 y 3, y la unica forma de conseguir eso es consiguiendo el partner y desbloquear slots con las subs, por ende, mi sugerencia es que los afiliados tengamos una alternativa similar de agregar mas emotes con subs, de esa forma tanto twitch como los afiliados, tendriamos ganancia y mas beneficios si pudieramos tener mas emotes y desbloquearlos con suscripciones, ya que el maximo es de 50 subs, y se podria extender a 100, 150 o 200 maximo, muchas gracias y ojala en el futuro…

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  3. A shiny/golden unique channel Sub badge with or without extra benefits, acquired by a chance from subbing at a randomly timed sudden event or just randomly from regular subbing.

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  4. I have an idea about the old broadcasts. If the user is a subscriber, he will have access to the older broadcast immediately after the live broadcast. If the user is not a subscriber to the channel, he will have access to the recording, for example, a week later or one day. It could be turned off and on in the settings. It seems to me an interesting way to make old records more unique and it would certainly be very interesting.

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