Need a way to have direct contact with Twitch Moderation team
I have been struggling to get into contacts with them for being wrongfully banned in the past, not getting an appeal, then my account having a strike (Which now leading me to not having access to follower emotes) You'd think the mods would do a better job looking into something & even at least talk to said accused person of being banned for something that wasn't their fault.
Its been almost over a year now, I've done everything to ask for help, send many tickets & being told they can do nothing for me because its the moderation team side that did this & I can look to get a appeal for my ban (Which was over a year ago, so how is that going to help me?) Twitch is no help when comes to actually helping their community, and when someone is wrongfully banned (Again, the person reported me apologized THEMSELVES for jumping into assumption to report me instead of letting me know what was a "bad word")
Let me tell you this,
People who are from a different side of the world, cannot and WILL NOT know what is a slur in other sides of the country, states, etc. Punishing someone for not knowing, AND not even READING the entire chat conversation about what the word was said, its unbelievable now these days that a food word is suddenly a racial slur.
Please, have a way for us Twitch users who're wrongfully banned to have a way to reach out to said Twitch Moderation Team who takes care of these bans- So we can at least have the ability to use the follower's emotes. This is unfair, again being wrongfully banned & even the reporter admitting they did something wrong by jumping into assumption someone was being racist with them having no KNOWLEDGE it was a racist slur.