ignore channel/streamer
Hi, is there a way to ignore certain channels/streamers like on youtube I can choose to not recommend/show this channel to me. This is mostly because sometimes certain streamers talk about topics find unpleasant, such as about tiktok and the horrific things they see on there. I would rather not see those streamers in my list so I don't have to think about those negative things they talk about at times. (negative things are like talking about animal abuse etc)
Sorry it took a while to get to answer you on this. Yes, there is. Click on the "⋮" icon below the channel (you an also do this for categories) and select "Not Interested". This will remove it from your recommendations. If you ever change your mind or make a mistake, you can adjust the channels you have marked to not show in your recommendations by going to your account settings. Thanks.
JokerCpjsl13 commented
I wish I could get on Twitch and not have to get suggested streamers who are in bikinis when my motivation for watching twitch is 90% gaming streamers and just chat. Could you create a way for us to block some streamers from our main page(maybe some filters)? I'd rather see advertising ads than have the main page polluted with content I don't like. And in the same way maybe people that only like bikini streamers can filter out the gaming streamers.Btw I am not here to judge what people like, my problem is having to deal with unwanted icons in my main page. Its not clean.
snow2k commented
Streamer can ban a user - I would like to ban a streamer, so his channel is hidden.
Sir_Shadow_Blade commented
Exactly, please note, we are talking about a STREAMER, not just a user.
We don't want to see their STREAM anymore. This was suggested multiple times, but was closed with the wrong reason. -
Raigh commented
It's a shame to see after 4 months nothing has changed and they didn't even deem it worthy an answer. I guess I will consult 3rd party websites for commendations so I can actually learn of the existence of different streamers.
Raigh commented
I keep being recommended the same channels over and over. Some of which I've even previously unfollowed. I am unsure why the system thinks that after years of not wanting to watch them I'd suddenly give them a go.
I want to discover NEW channels - Channels I don't know exist.
ToastedShambo commented
I would like an option to remove channels from the "Recommended Channels" list. This would majorly help with finding more streamers im interested in rather than recommending the same streamers that im not interest in.
88curry420 commented
Many of the constantly "recommended" channels don't interest me. Nevertheless I keep getting recommended the same things. To the point of annoyment. Please add ability to remove recommendations. All the best.
minimumoimeme commented
there are some pages i dont want to see and consider like trash i blocked/banned channels but they persist appearing in the scrolling list of homepage
i want those pages to never ever touch my eyes or ears again and the only possibility is if they are in 'recommended' and i dont want to use a third part program to do so
bk9302478321594307 commented
I would like to see the option to block a streamer, so it wont popup in the category if i refresh that.
bk9302478321594307 commented
I would like to see the option to block a streamer, so it wont popup in the category if i refresh that.
MisterEd84 commented
Hallo Twitch, leider bin ich grade sehr generft von "Twitch" ich bekomme immer wieder Channels vorgeschlagen, die ich eigentlich nciht mag. das liegt am Streamer und nciht am Content, ist aber auch nciht weiter schlimm, darf ja jeder sein wie er mag, aber ich finde keine Möglichkeit dafür zu sorgen dass mir ein bestimmter Stream nciht mehr vorgeschlagen wird. Mag sein dass ich zu doof bin, aber ich hab schon alles mögliche angeklickt und auf eine Option wie "Channel ignorieren" oder "Stream nicht mehr vorschlagen" gehofft. Aber leider nichts gefunden :- \
Vielleicht bin ich zu alt, aber eigentlich find ich Twitch cool, also könnt ihr sowas bitte einbauen, oder mir altem Depp sagen wie das geht?
Falls es die Möglichkeit schon gibt, würde ich auf jeden Fall behaupten, dass es gut versteckt ist.
Liebe Grüße,
MisterEd84PS.: Maybe this should be translated into english?! I'm here to help you! Pls let me now if this should be translated, then i'll try my best to comfort you as much as i'm able to ;-)
SatelessTV commented
I think it would be a good idea to have a "do not recommend this channel again." option. I often see the same recommended channels on my feed on the left. Thanks Twitch you're the best!
codlmon commented
The title says it all: I want to block recommended annoying channels and also want an option to not have twitch call me a creator whilst I am not. The first was possible some months ago and I think it is complete bs that this option was removed.
뛰어랏 commented
I don't want to see LOL games but LOL game stream is on the main page.
I already put LOL in list of unwanted game but too many LOL stream is recommended in upper main page.PLEASE I don't want to see LOL stream!
Andy_Christian commented
Right now I have to report them, to block them. So I have to just report and post in the comments "Not really a violation, but I want to block them from my feed".
That's dumb. It's a waste of my time, to do something that should require one click. And it's a waste of Twitch's time going through reports that are not necessary, because I am only reporting, so I can block them. So this is stupid. Let's change it. -
Ava commented
Having recommendations appear on my home page on mobile that I never asked for or wanted was frustrating. I quickly learned that I was not alone and there is no current fix. I understand that some people may like/want recommendations and that is why I am not suggesting to get rid of them. But there at least needs to be an option to turn this on and off.
Anonymous commented
There's a lot of stuff I don't want to see, ever. Kindly let me block them permanently.
Garzilla commented
Twitch needs to see how BADLY they suggest stuff on their front page. Only way for this to happen would be a Thumb Down button.
I get BOMBARDED with suggested content, which i have ZERO INTEREST in. It's getting out of control. This needs to be addressed and dealt with in a way that is better for viewers.
burningSnake commented
In the "Live channels you may like", I would like to be able to remove a suggestion and it stop showing up there, this way it would be possible to see more channels that I might be interested instead of getting always the same ones that I do not want to watch