OPT in/out from latest categoty browse UI change
Before the latest change, you had a very neat display of all available channels in the category.
after the change, you only have a tiny bit of the screen to actually browse - overshadowed by a giant preview that can't be removed.
this makes finding the stream you want so much harder, to the point of dejecting users from even trying.
an ability to simply collapse the preview would solve this without interfering with the change itself - although personally I think it's just not needed at all
EDIT: looks like you even made an "expand" button, but that does not really serve it's purpose (in fact on my case it even displays less streams at a time)
Demontexx commented
I just want a list of all games and the streamers. Not interested in seeing **** categories that I have no interest in
Hnari commented
I want to look at older games. Games that might not be in my radar. This "Recommended Games" option ruins it for me, especially since the highlighted ones are streamers that I've already subscribed to, and not streamer that I perhaps would like to see. This ruins upcoming creators, too.
Please either revert to old browsing style or give us an option to opt out.
DuckofRage commented
New Browsing feature is annoying and awful and I would like to be able to opt out of it
It needs to go away entirely.
Et3rnalife commented
I would like an option to disable this I do not care about "discovering smaller streamers" I just would like to be able to see all the channels in a category without having an unmutable unpausable autoplaying stream on a majority of my screen. The new page is disruptive and obnoxious at least with the front page I have the option of autopausing, automuting the stream with a third party extension.
Quickghostjustdoit commented
In the latest update, when you hit Browse and choose a topic, there is a new method showing streams, which I don't like. Can be an option to not use this update? It's very bad and stupid. Can you make it an option or an optional thing?
Quickghostjustdoit commented
In the latest update, when you hit Browse and choose a topic, there is a new method showing streams, which I don't like. Can be an option to not use this update? It's very bad and stupid. Can you make it an option or an optional thing?
wifilolz commented
shinyanne commented
Just make it an opt in function, or give us the ability to opt-out. I want to navigate channels from a certain category quickly and more than one row at a time each time I visit a new. It lessens the control we have of what we see, which makes it unappealing and makes us want to navigate categories less.
hille666 commented
Please use old interface, new one sucks
PredOborG commented
The idea is very simple - BRING BACK THE OLD CATEGORY VIEW!!!!!
What tf is this you have now?! I open a category and 2/3 of the screen is with the highest views streamer?! And all other streamers are buried with small icons at the bottom. Maybe if I click Expand at least that will close the stream and show me all the other streamers like before? "Haha no!", says the Twitch ***** guy who created this dumb interface. Expand only shows 10 small stream channels instead of the default 6.... Want to open a big category such as 'League of Legends' but check smaller sized channels? "Haha, tough luck!", says that same Twitch ***** guy. Now I have to click or scroll down dozens of times to see lets say channels with only 20 viewers..
When I want to play a stream, I click on a stream. When I want to see streams inside a category, I don't want to have a stream auto-play and bury all other streams. It's ridiculous, annoying and wastes time.
From now on I will report every steam I get auto-played until you fix or revert this stupid thing. -
TheDoubleUnderscore commented
The new browsing UI is impossible to navigate, made thing unnecessarily small, and generally MORE invasive. I have NO idea how to even navigate the new browse section since I am assaulted by an AUTOPLAY video of a live stream. I understand this is in response to the "can't see what's going on if a 5 minute pre-roll immediately runs when you enter a screen", but this new one feels more like you're trying advertise even more, this time the hottest streamer on at that moment. This is a tone deaf result from the dev team since I almost never want to watch a streamer with thousands of viewers; the community is already established and it becomes impossible to participate without paying (chat scrolls so fast that the streamer will filter out non paying viewers too keep up). This is simply not a good way to encourage viewership. PLease add a way to disable the gigantic waste of space that is the auto play of the hottest streamer, and restore the old way of browsing.
Cuveen commented
There needs to be a way to turn off/remove the suggested streamer Twitch thinks a user might like. I prefer to browse the listed streams more than one row at a time and the suggested streamer is never what I am interested in.
faXwhat commented
To me it looks like they are trying to fit in with new design elements on other streaming platforms like netflix and disney+. Twitch this is not that kind of platform please stop trying to be the same as everyone else, break away from that mold with new innovation not regurgitated popcorn. Twitch is unique lets keep it that way.
Personally I think it would be nice to have a side bar that I could pop out and have that option to show the video you are trying to make visible. It wouldn't be such an issue if the implementation of the new way wasn't so in your face and there was a way to pause the stream that was automatically made visible. Possibly even just give the option to completely minimize it or put it in the corner.
NumeroFox_ commented
Please revert the recent categories page design change. I don't know who thought that's a good decision to have immediately autoplay (autoplay should be IN GENERAL disabled for Twitch) while browsing categories. This is awful, highly annoying, ... It's just bad. No one - literally no one - likes this. I want to browse normally and not with someone talking while I'm browsing. Whoever thought that's good, NO IT ISN'T! FIRE HIM!
the_gaming_skulls commented
I not like the Browse streams with having to EXPAND the list of streamers boxes like on https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Science%20%26%20Technology?sort=VIEWER_COUNT. can you please change it back to where it was before. thanks
HQGameplay commented
the new "Feature" at the "Brwose" section sucks very hard. you blocking over 50% of the screen with the preview of some random *** stream and you cant even disable this disgusting "Feature". the worst idea ever implemented on this page
Danny_the_Daring_enjoyer commented
have I been randomly chosen to be lab rat for your new directory interface? i've asked others and they seem to know nothing. it's so bad, please sub roll it back. Also, your feedback autoredirect is also badly designed and hard to find what I want. Luckyly i found somebody made this post before.
TheBitcoinBaron commented
The biggest problem for me, is that I have VERY good view numbers on VODs. Like more than all but 2 streamers of the games I usually play (when looking at viewer numbers to follower number ratios). Like I am nearly 700 followers, but get 100-300 views on all streams.
Now VODs are natively hidden, those numbers are dropping. Not all viewers are aware of the "/list" trick. This change penalises streamers who don't have the highest viewer numbers by pushing them to the bottom, or out of sight totally.
Surely, twitch, you should be trying to encourage healthy competition of streamers in a category by giving them an equal platform of discoverability? It's in your own economic interests for more streamers to hit affiliate level, hiding less viewed streamers out of sight can disenfranchise them and make them stop streaming altogether. If the top viewed person in a category has little competition, they have no incentive to keep being fresh and innovative, and no competetive inspiration to push them further.
TheBitcoinBaron commented
The biggest problem for me, is that I have VERY good view numbers on VODs. Like more than all but 2 streamers of the games I usually play (when looking at viewer numbers to follower number ratios). Like I am nearly 700 followers, but get 100-300 views on all streams.
Now VODs are natively hidden, those numbers are dropping. Not all viewers are aware of the "/list" trick. This change penalises streamers who don't have the highest viewer numbers by pushing them to the bottom, or out of sight totally.
Surely, twitch, you should be trying to encourage healthy competition of streamers in a category by giving them an equal platform of discoverability? It's in your own economic interests for more streamers to hit affiliate level, hiding less viewed streamers out of sight can disenfranchise them and make them stop streaming altogether. If the top viewed person in a category has little competition, they have no incentive to keep being fresh and innovative, and no competetive inspiration to push them further.
Eridae commented
I would like to be able to just send an email to twitch instead of navigating through a dozen different menus that just loop me to an unhelpful article. I was opted in to a new format of the new Category tab without any notice or opting in to it at all and with no way to revert. When trying to find a way to do so, I was looped through unhelpful articles and unable to contact customer support directly.