Create a "Jam Games" category
In the old days we had a Ludum Dare category for both game development and playing of games made during our event. Per request we moved our development streams to Science & Technology, Art, and Music where appropriate. Today there are hundreds of game jams, hackathons, with MANY THOUSANDS of new games are created every month (3000-5000 whenever we run an event, which is twice a year). Since none of the mentioned categories make sense for PLAYING jam games, I propose the addition of a "Jam Games" category as a catch-all.
nancyjohnson99 commented
Is there any update?
fabiolastehr commented
Any update? And I also need a loan. Can anyone help?
scalf56 commented
Sofox commented
Honestly, I stream game jams and I just use the "Software and Game Development" category.
Outfrost commented
Any progress here? Ludum Dare 49 just happened, and we're gonna be playing a lot of jam games with no distinct IGDB entries.
ulfhedinnord commented
do it!!
sinusquell commented
yes please
Crispybaconnz commented
Yes, this is definitely needed
Outfrost commented
y e s
BluishGreenProductions commented
Agreed, can't believe this isn't a thing yet. And can we add an "GameDev" category while we're at it?
MuriloTrigo commented
Great idea.
JohnnySixed commented
Can't believe as long as I've been using twitch, this is all I have exclusively used it to stream, and there's still not a category. This would be very welcome. Particularly for discovery of game jam / dev streams.
neowhoru commented
It is a really great idea.
teddydog1282 commented
Does twitch actively monitor/operate this site? I think it's a great idea anyway.
Bongard1409 commented
That would be wonderful!
GeorgeBroussard commented
This is a good category suggestion and Twitch should do this. Give people who like to stream game jam games a place to build a community vs being lost amid all the other game stream noise.
Bazkur commented
Do it Twitch!
LudumDare commented
I'd recommend creating a proposal in the Tags section for "Hackathon" if that's something of interest.
We've been aggregating Twitch streams using the "game jam" tag as a means of seeing what is going on. Unfortunately there are a lot of people using "game jam" for things completely unrelated to making anything. We've had to settle on only using streams tagged with BOTH "game jam" and "game development" to get any meaningful data out of it.
"Hackathon" as an alternative, I fear any game related to hacking (i.e. Cyberpunk 2077, .hack//, Sword Art Online, Hypnospace Cowboy, etc) or general security research would pollute the tag. That said the later does need a tag to call its own.
daleyxkong commented
BigTheDave commented
Definitely "Hackathons" would cover more topics if "Game Jam" is too narrow