Consider Flow Arts
"Flow Arts": As the current world condition has taken us from previous live festivals and performance, many Flow Artists and Dancers are turning to virtual and broadcasted live performances of their talents. Traditionally, we as dancers, hula-hoop performers, jugglers, poi spinners and other similar disciplines, have had to gravitate towards the "Music & Performance Art" category. (With no specific tag identifying us as with Flow Artists, nor dancers). Now that Twitch has adjusted back to "Music" as the original category, we have migrated to "just chatting"; it doesn't really identify our community at all, among others that actually do feature a "just chatting" brand. With the help of a few partnered streamers, we have formed a Twitch Team - "Flowmies" that was approved earlier in Spring of this year. We've since been building and growing our community while inviting and supporting other flow artists IRL, to come join Twitch from other platforms to continue their performance routines that have otherwise been put on pause. Some of the entertainers that have become part of our Team Flowmies have an incredible following outside of Twitch; with years to decades of experience in their field. Marketing, branding, and merchandising has led them to become quite successful, and we're honored that they have joined Twitch, and our team through our interview process. However, we still lack that unique category or tag that represents what a viewer can expect from our content. More importantly, we find difficulty in discovering fellow flow artists that may be interested in a larger community with growth potential, since we cannot search for "Flow Arts" as a tag. Not even "Dance" exists (which would be a vague description of what we perform).
We would like Twitch to introduce a tag "Flow Arts" to help identify our content and reach others that may search for similar creators so that we may bring more community building exercises and foster a home for a wide spectrum of talents that we already align ourselves with on our entertainment résumés as flow artists.
Thank you,
Hey all!
Super excited to share we now have a flow arts tag on Twitch!
Thank you so much for the feedback on this and please let us know if you have any other tags you would like to see on Twitch.
Chiritsu commented
Guys. Please understand that 4r1ga70u is saying that Flow artists have been on twitch longer than hot tub streamers (which there is nothing wrong about and anyones own opinions on that matter, this thread is not the platform for it. do some self introspection on the matter)
We are getting close to having this tag approved since it is currently under consideration. Lets hope it passes through so we can finally be united once again after having any performance based category or tags non existent for us.
Despite having team flowmies, just a twitch team is not enough to gather all the other similar streamers who has flowarts in their channel. Twitch is a vast sea of various content and streamers. We really just want this one thing so we can all band together and not be lost in the sea of content that is twitch.
MissChloeTTV commented
@4r1ga70u You are wrong. There's tons of flow users out there and i really enjoy watching them. "Flow artists are no longer on Twitch." Go look it up. There's plenty out there :) please don't provide misleading information
bOmBsHeLbOy commented
@4r1ga70u even if it is expensive, you got that Amazon backing! There's no excuse...use your money that we are making you ;)
4r1ga70u commented
Flow artists are longer on twitch than hot tub streamers (Nothing against it).
Twitch what is the issue to just add more categories ?
Is it that expensive to add more tag's?Every streamer giving you Twitch content and also financial support... time to giving something back.
WookieJockstrap commented
Please give these fine artists their own place to grow and for their communities to shine. Consider giving a Flow Arts tag to twitch users and streamers. Thank you for looking at these! #FlowArts
PRAXomatic commented
We appreciate all the hard work you've been doing to enable streamers to tag their identity and content more specifically, and the 350+ tags you just added are a big step towards that, but flow artists are now one of the most underrepresented groups on Twitch in terms of categorization and discovery.
In today's Let's Chat stream, you urged communities to post here on UserVoice with new tag requests, and said that you would work hard to expedite them. It would be a really nice treat and a show of good faith to have Flow Arts be one of the first tag requests fulfilled, since it is now the top tag request and has already been on here for 8 months with plenty of support. Thanks!
MrKaneMusic commented
#flow tag!
oh_so_twitchy commented
It drives me slightly mad how quickly they come up with a "hot tub" category but still still still don't have flow-arts and performing-arts categories.
These streams have value and enrich twitch. They are NOT "Just Chatting". Please create these tags ASAP. Thanks!
Kreotis commented
Twitch needs a Flow-Arts tag and Dance-&-Performing-Arts categories.
Instead of keeping any parts of the old hybrid section for Music-&-Dancing-and-Performing-Arts, they decided that removing the entire Dancing & Performing Arts sections from their whole platform was more better idea months ago and keep only a Music category.
They forced the existing communities built around Dancing and Performing Arts out of their respective sections and forced people INTO the Just-Chatting category, otherwise twitch streamers would be banned for streaming into the wrong category (Because the Categories & Tags don't exist anymore)
Over 500 people (647 at the time of writing) are serious about this topic because it effects them directly, and yet no response from twitch. Twitch pressed delete button on visibility for thousands of people. They shouldn't have deleted the Existing sections of their website in the first place. All they had to do was simply split the big category that was already there into two sections, each retaining their own unique identity. But all we got was a new MUSIC category at the same time as they an entire deleted section of their site.
Seriously, Add the tags and categories for Dancing & Performing Arts already so that the twitch broadcasters in which you(twitch) have continually abandoned, and ignored, can have their content be rediscoverable once again. Its literally that simple. Changing a single line of a database entry must be extremely difficult, right? Twitch just added Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches into their own category. Seriously, so what is your problem with acknowledging that these communities exist and addressing your abandonment of them thereof? Just do the thing already and stop ignoring the existence of Dancing and Performing Arts communities, which Flow Arts is a part of, and give us our recognition via accurate and relevant Tags and Categories for people to be found within.
Wademach77 commented
I love watching flow artists. I have to find out about twitch flow art streamers from other from other flow art streamers not having a tag or a category.
SilentReaper696 commented
Dear Twitch,
Get a "Flow Arts" category added to your lists, for goodness sake! This isn't rocket science; the flow art community is growing exponentially throughout all other social media sites, such as Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube, etc. and Twitch is BEHIND the curve. You're preventing these streamers from being able to accurately categorize their streams and, as a direct result, you're preventing Twitch from accumulating MORE viewers into your domain.
Get it done; no need to be hesitant af.
MegaTallica97 commented
i think its about time the flow artists deserve there own tag its clearly popular and people love it so why not do it
vagician305 commented
bruzer90 commented
Why not, looks like fun...
saint_dreads commented
For the kingdom of churroooos
codedcypherr commented
Add it please
geoffrey770 commented
S’il vous plaît continuez à nous faire rêvé
notwood85 commented
twitch flow art is a growing so much they is so much respect from them please add the tag for them and let them show the world there art
eGAINSBORO commented
dear twitch,
we all know u can do this, just do it,
sincerely, a big lovely community,
come on please -
MrKaneMusic commented