Preserve Pause & Volume/Mute Settings When Hosting
If you have a stream paused or muted and a new channel is hosted, existing pause & mute settings are ignored after the host. If you leave a page up during the day or evening this can cause sound to suddenly start blasting from your speakers without warning. Please don't AutoPlay hosted channels if the open Twitch page has video paused, and please preserve mute settings.
Better yet, add an option in our user settings to auto-pause/mute hosted channels so viewers can manually opt-in to watching a hosted channel.
arthurschopnehauer commented
If I mute a stream and then the streamer begins hosting someone else, the volume is reset at full blast. This can be pretty unpleasant. If you like to keep the volume settings channel-specific, which is understandable, you should probably add an exception for the "hosting-while-muted" case.
mochimaccha commented
Been noticing the same thing the past few weeks. Quite an annoyance when you have a stream page paused then out of no where a new stream starts playing.
Gabriel Militzer commented
If "Auto mute on host" doesn't become a thing soon I'm going to be kicked out of this apartment.