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Video Performance



21 results found

  1. AV1 encoding support should be a priority add to the website. AV1 encoding is a big improvement in visual quality to streams over CPU and GPU encoding options. Discord already added it, and I believe YouTube has it as well, it's very surprising to me that Twitch hasn't added this and there isn't even an ETA on it being added yet.

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  2. At the moment, both the Twitch homepage and the actual streaming servers are only reachable over the old IPv4. As there already are providers which only connect their users with DualStack-Lite (this means, IPv6 native and IPv4 over a relatively slow tunnel protocol), it would be good for bandwith-expensive websites like twitch to be reachable over IPv6 - for both the homepage and the streaming servers.

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  3. We all know that AVC has issues with efficiency an HEVC is basically dead.
    A more modern codec would not only be great for streamers and high definition content, it would also potentially reduce the load on the servers.

    Benefits with AV1:
    - It's open source so no license costs like HEVC
    - It's much more efficient than AVC and even HEVC

    Benefits of Opus:
    - Basically the same as AV1

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  4. As much as every other platform not just Twitch the lack of information for those who stream at other aspect ratios rather than 16:9 is lacking to non-existing.

    It would be nice to have more support for those content creators who do not follow the standard.

    The best example would be in my case is when streaming at 1080p my stream width is 2560 and not 1920.
    This effect the stream in ways that sometimes it shows and sometimes it's just a black screen (Reported by viewers)

    Better support for other aspect ratios rather than 16:9
    Better docs to support…

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  5. During a live stream, could a viewer please choose any of the video statistics under Settings > Advanced > Video Stats, and have only that statistic pinned somewhere on the screen? In my mind it would show up like a running FPS counter in a video game, without having to keep the entire blocky chunk of Video Stats cutting off a huge section of the stream's video (and sometimes the streamer's webcam). For example I find myself constantly checking the "Latency to broadcaster" statistic whenever I watch any stream. I always want to know the delay between what I see…

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  6. Disable video and only listen like mobile works

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  7. Hallo,
    Ich wurde hierher verwiesen vom Twitch Support...
    Es geht darum, dass es eine Vielzahl von Vodafone DE Kunden gibt, die mit Twitch extreme Probleme haben: Schwankende Bitrate, kaum Bitrate... Ich bin ebenso betroffen. Ich hab 40 Mbit/s im Upload und kann original nicht streamen weil die Bitrate extrem schwankt. Da es früher mit VPNs gut funktioniert hat und immer noch mit "" teilweise funktioniert, ist offenbar die Peering-Schnittstelle mit Vodafone DE (AS3209) überlastet. Dadurch kommt auch, dass Streams immer wieder buffern müssen.

    Ich wäre Ihnen sehr verbunden, wenn Sie endlich was gegen die Probleme mit Vodafone DE machen würden.…

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  8. This is music stream focused
    So RTMP can comfortably handle 4 channels of audio @256. Allow creators to send 4 channels with the content on 1&2 and VO on 3&4. Have 2x mute buttons and use an automix to dip 1&2 while creator is talking. Obviously creators would have to opt in but it would increase their passive listeners and help your platform

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  9. As high frame rate monitors become the norm in the gaming space, it seems reasonable to assume that viewers would be excited to watch their favorite creators at smoother frame rates that reflect the intensity of actual footage. In addition, the release of more powerful, yet affordable, hardware has made this accessible to more creators as well. Higher resolution is already a standard to video streaming in pre-recorded formats (capped at lower frame rates), while the norm for most of gamers remains 1080p. This is a debatable topic but the priority in many popular titles is that smoother, high FPS…

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  10. Twitch is not optimised for macOS safari. Errors include #2000, #3000, and rarely #4000. These bugs do not occur on Google chrome, with #3000 being an exception. Cookies have been cleared, history wiped, pc restarted, account logged out/in, the codes still persist. No ad blockers, content blockers, or VPNs other than apples private relay that’s included in their service subscription; iCloud+

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  11. I have found a concrete solution to the lag that causes many streamers the issue of the stream lagging when a stream is occurring and have written a small solution paper to address the solution.

    Twitch Stream Lagging Solution

    If you a gamer many people are engaged in streaming on one of the platforms
    for gaming such as twitch. The focus of this article is to hopefully provide an

    insight into an issue which many people find after they’ve been streaming for
    a bit. Consider this, you finally got your status as paid in twitch and you’re

    starting to get…

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  12. I was watching a passed stream and as soon as it got to the red zone, it paused the stream. I presume it’s for copyright reasons which is make sense but the fact that it’s bothering me now.

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  13. 9:16 for mobile game and live cam

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  14. There are many users like myself that have multiple monitors. My primary monitor utilizes HDR while my secondary monitors both do not. Twitch will auto-enable HDR site viewing even though I open the page on a monitor without the HDR ability simply because my primary monitor does have HDR enabled. This makes the site unviewable on either of my satellite monitors and after hours of testing, is found to be limited to Twitch itself. Other websites are able to switch between this without issue but due to various issues with the twitch website itself this feature doesn't seem to exist…

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  15. recentemente atualizaram a pagina de criação de clipes no computador e isso está me trazendo problemas, pois agora há dois videos (um vertical e outro na horizontal) rodando em alta qualidade e meu computador não lida bem com isso, o uso de cpu quase chega a 100% e o video fica travando e desincronizando o áudio, gostaria que o segundo video na vertical não rodasse automaticamente junto com o na horizontal, mas sim somente quando fosse clicado para edita-lo

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  16. I don't see any reason why it is not possible for some videos to decrease the streaming quality manually. If you are experiencing a poor mobile internet connection, you should be able to decrease the video quality to ensure smooth streaming without interruptions but in lower quality. (Should not happen automatically, should be available as an option in the stream settings (as it already is (but only sometimes for unknown reasons)))

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  17. jbk,bjm

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  18. you're teaching people how to do twitch but you're not teaching them how to act write perform or what the quality of a unique niche is or what the difference of value between videos is or a history breakdown of styles and where we are now and where entertainment is going. art theory music theory entertainment theory and acting theory and what appeals to certain people as well as what is a genre and why it means something to the people it does and the basic understanding of finding what it is they really want to make. basically understanding the…

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  19. Agradecería que arreglaran esto, por qué no es la primera vez que pasa, antes me iba bien, agradecería que me respondan, una abrazo <3

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  20. When one user is streaming live with friends, and they have their friend Twitch names tagged in the same video, it should be shown on those tagged streamers' videos across each tagged user's channel and other channels. If a fellow streamer is tagged in a stream, their channel should also automatically go live.

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