Bring Voting with bits back to Polls
The option to vote on polls with bits disappeared overnight with no announcement and no viable replacement.
This was a great way for viewers to financially support streamers in a way that contributed to choices made on stream (In my channel it was used for character selection within a game and variety game choice outside of the main stream game). I understand if a new concept is ready to go that creators can use as an alternative, but as long as there is no alternative, streamers who used this feature and Twitch itself will lose revenue.
I'm not sure why this feature was abruptly abandoned, but if the company felt it wasn't being used enough I wish they would educate creators on how to make it useful for their streams instead of deleting it. Streamers having more tools to help them run their stream the way they want is always better.
moonbearry commented
Crev commented
This was a great revenue source for us and should absolutely be put back in.
ShinySeabass commented
I depend a LOT on voting in polls with bits. We have a community event we do every month that has voting with bits and channel points. I was in shock today when I found out it had disappeared from the options. I depend on the income that I get from voting with bits. Please bring it back.
flashstep111 commented
Voting with bits were very good and just because not many people are using it doesn't mean that its bad. Please bring back voting with bits to polls back twitch.
TacoPete commented
Yes I recently discovered this and I think it's a great feature that has helped a streamer I mod for earn some extra money; if it was removed due to lack of usage, then maybe spotlighting it would be a great way to get more usage from it as many people I talked to who had never heard of it thought it was a great idea!