Chat Reply
The "click message to reply" feature is distracting and does not read easily, can be especially annoying when you are trying to mod for a channel. Its a lot clearer just @'ing the person you want to talk to.
DonnyBresko commented
yeah but the reply func lets you switch between all related messages without you to scroll through the whole chat. Thats why it was implemented and i think the func is great
baroninlondon commented
In fact Id go as far to say that the @name is core feature of twitch which is embedded in the way the community communicate, so to try to supersede it is at odds with the culture of the twitch community.
baroninlondon commented
I agree. It doesnt read well and I dont notice if someone replies to me. The @name function is really effective so why didnt they just create the facility when you hit reply it creates the @name for you ready to type. No one seems to be using this function either.