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Channel Points

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Channel Points



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213 results found

  1. MAKE THE DANG THING BIGGER! Better yet, make this feature a window instead of a popup that's so small that only 3 icons of the 20+ redeems people have on streams. It's impossible to look thru, especially with terrible eye sight on massive displays.

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  2. Please Make this feature available for PS5

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  3. I believe it would be beneficial to have the following configuration options:

    • Redeemable Times: It is not possible to set a value less than 1 for this item. Infinite can be set.

    • Management Unit: Redemption frequency and required point management can be set on a user or channel basis.
      In the case of user-based management, redemption frequency and required points are managed per user. In this case, the initial value for the first redemption by any user will be set to the configured initial value.
      In the case of channel-based management, redemption frequency and required points are common to all…

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  4. For example, if the official valo channel sets up a distributor named A as an "authorized distributor," the channel points distributed to viewers when A is distributing valo can be used in the official valo distribution.
    In other words, viewers who usually watch a lot of valo distribution will have an advantage in betting during the tournament distribution.
    This should be a great motivation to watch valorant's distribution.

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  5. We all know that some channels have a random and selective emote unlock, however it's only if we continuously watch its respective stream.

    It would be great if the channel points where more generalised across the twitch platform with a set goal to keep a more rewardive system.

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  6. pouvoir donner ses points de chaine à un autre utilisateur

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  7. Please add a log of whether channel point redemption was approved or refunded by mods. Some mods have been abusing this power and it would be helpful to know who is doing what.

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  8. Some streamers are offering channel point redeems which scare the streamer. (For example @Player2_Live, @Scarlett, @DreamYeti, ...)

    But these don't work if the streamer reads the redeem message in chat before it plays on their PC.

    So, maybe let the streamer set the redeem as "invisible" or "stealth". Either it won't show any message in chat, or the message will be delayed by 10-20 seconds.

    Oh, and some streamers do the same, but for a set amount of bits. So e.g. they might want to set 200 bits to only appear to the streamer and to chat after 20 seconds,…

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  9. En gros le streamer à une barre de progression qui se remplit en fonction de ses critères(followers, subs, prime Loot, etc...) et une fois la limite atteinte, le streamer verse un nombre de points de chaîne défini(ex: 1000~1000000) qui est partagé entre les vieweurs dudit Chat!!!

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  10. Personally I think its a pain in the butt to edit my channel points. I would love to see something similar to the emote library but for channel points. A colour library, image library and a preview. For some creators scrolling through lengthy lists of their channel points can be difficult to make visually appealing. some creators (like myself) take pride in cohesive branding across all of my platforms. Meaning I have colour coded branding and have taken HOURS to edit my points.

    Allowing creators to preview and save a colour library and image library to drag and drop onto…

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  11. Channel points are great, but I miss one thing. I think that adding a time limit for one stream participant will significantly diversify the possibilities of points. I am annoyed when one person overuses an option at a time (e.g. he buys a drink of water several times), but if I could limit the possibility to e.g. 2 times an hour, it would make it much easier for me and maybe it would increase my involvement on the stream. in the fact that people specially colluded to buy such activities massively, because it increases their involvement and is a great…

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  12. It would be amazing if there were an optional field to upload a short >45 second sound clip in the viewer rewards form. The current alternatives to this require various third party apps. It would be great if this was all integrated on the Twitch platform itself.

    Thanks Twitch Team for all your hard work!

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  13. Quiz function for channelpoint/bit minigames.
    I mean in the way that you can make something like a prediction with a question on top and 4 answer possibilitys, you check the correct answer before you start the quiz and then let your community insert channelpoints or bits to the answer they think would be right.

    1. It would make a fun game and CC can base a whole stream around it
    2. Even as a side feature it is a fun feature, because you can make a quiz about ingame-mechanics or facts that you know and you can interact with your community in…
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  14. Crear una Blockchain donde se puedan compartir puntos del canal.
    Los "Twitch Points" puntos del canal son un gran atractivo para la comunidad y los Viewers y ver a un streamer osado en ciertos juegos dan ganas de ver el canal para cambiar un desafio y hacer la experiencia de juego aun mas inmersiva. Un Ejemplo podria ser Solo Vs Duo, trio, Squad de los distintos tipos de Shooter. Si los que estamos en un stream nos gusta ver a nuestro Streamer jugar de cierta forma hay veces que quienes empiezan un canal con esa modalidad no tienen el tiempo…

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  15. Esta opción daría a lo que no pueden suscribirse de mes a mes y siempre esta aportando con su presencia, una oportunidad de disfrutar de los beneficios de ser premium

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  16. Channel point multiplier being more obvious before subbing

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  17. Make the Channel points API callable. So we can use this for own creations. :). Then we can program things for it, like giveaway and not only polls. Or other things. There could be many Ideas

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  18. I'd suggest moving the points counter and bonus button to the video screen in the browser version so people can redeem points without having to open chat, sometimes you don't have the chat open for various reasons and having to open and close it to check this is not ideal

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  19. Looking at the API documenting for channel rewards, I found the following:

    The Custom Reward specified by id must have been created by the client_id attached to the access token.

    I'm not really sure what the design was behind locking channel point updating to only the client that created the channel point, but it adds a lot of unnecessary work on 3rd party integrations to work around this. 3rd party apps that want to allow users to customize the channel points they already made now have to go through the hassle of re-creating them through the 3rd party app…

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  20. Allow the streamer to add a % discount to all or some of the redemption rewards (ie. Hydrate is 1000, but with a 20% discount it becomes 800). Go all out with it and add a "20% OFF" tag on that redemption to make it known. More of a quality of life thing since this can be done by changing the points manually, but seeing a discount and making a big deal about it would get people more excited about it.

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