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104 results found

  1. Bit badges go from 1 cent, to a dollar, to 10 dollars, to 50, to 100. Shouldnt there be a 5 dollar bit badge? and maybe a 25? the badges are insanely steep. I'm an affiliate and I can set literally 28 badges, and yet it costs $10 worth of bits to get the third one. I can set 28 badges and yet people wont see any past the first two. As an affiliate, does twitch ever realistically expect someone to donate 5,000,000 bits? Nobody donates bits past the 100 mark to get the second badge. Theres just no bridge…

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  2. I have follower emotes in my emote menu from streamers that I no longer follow for one reason or another. There is one I have even blocked and their emotes are still in my menu. Being able to remove/hide categories of emotes/certain streamer sections would be a huge quality of life improvement.

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  3. It would be greatly appreciated if once achieving affiliate status, follower emotes were instantly available. To stream for 60 days (after reaching affiliate) is such a long time to wait solely for follower emotes.

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  4. Not sure I am putting this in the proper place, but figured I would give it a shot. In Dec. 2021 an emote I had been using since 2018 was suddenly determined to be obscene. It was a baby **** emoji ( I will include a link to it), nothing obscene at all. Anyway, now I can not upload Follower Emoted until December 2023 because my instant uploads were denied because of the supposedly obscene emote. I was told there is no appeals process or manual review or anything of that nature. 1. Two years is a very long punishment…

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  5. Please add slots for animated emotes under the follower emote section. So that followers can also have access to animated emotes.

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  6. I have a lot of emotes on my channel and everytime I want to write a message, I struggle to find the one I want to use. They switch places all the time.
    We need them to have a static order.

    I think it should be:
    1) Follower emotes
    2) T1 emotes
    3) T2 emotes
    4) T3 emotes
    5) T1 animated emotes
    6) Bits emotes

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  7. Recently follower emotes can be used on every part ofTwitch by channel subscribers, but these aren't sent to the Discord integration API so that they can be used on their respective servers

    When you configure the Twitch-Discord integration the follower emotes simply doesn't appear on the Discord server

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  8. My idea is simply to have follower emotes able to be used on mobile devices no matter the carrier with text messages. Be it iOS, Android, etc.

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  9. The following endpoint allows to get/set the chat un emote/sub/follow-only....

    I believe it would make sens to add the new "first-time chatter" filter brought by shield mode to it so external tools can get or set this value.

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  10. Can we make the emote rayapomad a global emote?

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  11. Option for emote only for non subs/followers so emote only can still have non-VIP and moderators talk. Maybe also do it so if someone has subbed for a longer amount of time, the streamer/mods can let them talk in chat still.
    For example, 2 streamers face each other and chat could report information to the other stream chats. The streamer could then threaten that "You'll be banned if you spoil anything", which then a sub has more to lose meaning they would be less likely to spoil anything. This would also still allow non-subs and followers to interact in chat…

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  12. I think it would be a really nice perk if all Partners got 1 slot which would be globally available to all twitch users.

    To keep the emote list from getting bloated by so many new emotes, perhaps the list would only show global emotes from partners which you follow, or perhaps they are only available to followers, but are usable globally.

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  13. Dear Twitch,
    I'm writing this message to give a suggestion regarding Affiliates being able to regain instant uploader eligibility after losing it from an emote being denied.
    Wanting to create Follower Emotes, I discovered that this feature was disabled for me because a while back, I had an emote design denied because it included a cross icon over a blue button (made to look like a video game controller). Unfortunately, it was interpreted as the letter X, which broke the Rules and Guidelines for emote designs ("emotes containing a single letter in the graphic").
    To regain instant uploader eligibility, I've…

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  14. The small pop-up picker for modified emotes renders underneath the main emote picker boundary, causing it to be cut off on certain emotes on the far left or right sides of the picker. Depending on which emote I'm looking at, I will either see all, some, or one of the available modified versions. This makes a fair number of these emotes unusable as I have no way of selecting them. is an example (from channel The_Betus). The picker for the first emote cuts off two modified versions, the second cuts off one version, and the last shows all 4…

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  15. Recently, I reached out to Twitch support regarding Follower emotes as I did not have access to them following an infraction from March. As it had been well over the 60 day period and I still did not have access, I decided I would ask support what was going on with it. After a couple days I received a response basically restating the guidelines for Follower emotes.

    However, in addition to this response, I noticed that 2 of my emotes which had been approved already had been removed, one for "sexual content" and the other for "political imagery." I was…

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  16. Instead of the current way that partners have maximum of 3 lifetime subs they can give to viewers and 2 to bots, I'd like to see this updated to something like you can give free sub for one year to 3 viewers (or more for partners and maybe 1 for affiliates).
    This would be a good update because life happens and maybe one of your lifetime subs dies or otherwise stops coming to your streams, like if you give your girl/boyfriend a free sub and then few years later you break up you could then give the free sub to…

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  17. When a streamer is suspended for nearly any offense there is a seemingly random (from the users POV) chance they will lose access to instant upload emotes and follower emotes PERMENENTLY (yes this happens.. a lot). This isn't really a fair or not fair issue, but results in a lot of fear and anger at the random permabans of features for a short term suspension (which was the REAL punishment)

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  18. Moderators really need the features to do predictions/polls, approve/deny comments caught by automod, rewind the stream to clip easier & to be able to click on a user and see their message history & # of gifted subs, etc. PLEASE PLEASE! it's hard to mod correctly on mobile. The addition of the emote/sub/follower only mode was a HUGE HELP though. Ya'll are on the right track!

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  19. Recently, a streamer I follow had a few of their emotes removed without warning, some of their most popular emotes. Twitch Support couldn't give them a straight answer as to why. These emotes were approved by Twitch staff since they didn't have instant emote approval when they were made, but they got removed after months and months AND the streamer's instant approval privileges got revoked. They just got the email saying their emotes were removed. They were deemed "sexual," (even though they aren't sexual, and there are much worse emotes out there), and they couldn't challenge the moderation - emailing…

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  20. Slots for streamer specific emotes that only streamers and mods can use.
    For example:
    Tier 1 Emotes
    Tier 2 Emotes
    Tier 3 Emotes
    Bits Emotes
    Streamer Emotes

    These emotes can ONLY be used by streamers/mods and be used to do commands like !hype that can auto generate the emotes in chat.

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