Catalan Translation
It's been a while since Twitch has become a mass service used here in Catalonia. For years, different users have asked if it would be possible to have the Twitch app available in Catalan, our language.
It's not hard to have the desktop apps (Win, Mac, Linux, Web) and the mobile apps (Android, iOS, Windows Phone...) translated into Catalan. A lot of other services and apps have included Catalan years ago (services and products from Google, Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla... already include it).
We understand that Twitch has enough resources to translate their apps and services to Catalan. Why Belgians, Canadians and Swiss can have the apps in two different languages and in Spain there is only one option? Why people in Andorra don't have the option to choose their official language, Catalan?
jaycestudio commented
Please, add Català
ChopoChopo98 commented
Please, add Catalan 💙
toti_frank commented
I think it will be implemented in the near future. Indeed, every people has the right to communicate in the language they want. In this case, it will be the native language. For better translation, you can choose software that makes it easier. I found an article about it
Honratt commented
Som-hi !
Perfect_Nich commented
Va hostie me cagun tot
toni2i commented
I also want twich in Catalan
Queen_NAG_Cat commented
Please, in Catalan too. We are more than 10 million Catalan speakers in the world. Thank you
Magori_Cat commented
Vinga som-hi, collons
PeredeLloret commented
We also need twitch in our own lenguage. Please, we want it in catalan!
Yuirene commented
Totalment d'acord, volem el twitch en català!
Rik_Ruk commented
Son Ruks a twitch o que? Que ho posin en català, coi!!
cantimplora_ commented
Molt bona iniciativa! 👏👏👏
themarcitus commented
Necessitem Twitch en Català, Sóm + de 10 milions de parlants natius
Botiflers_TV commented
Som més de 10 milions de parlants. Ja tenim l'etiqueta per filtrar continguts, ara toca que Twitch ens recomani aquests continguts en la nostra llengua!
PiretaCAT commented
megatxi commented
GoGo Catalan Twitch!! Rise up your scythes!!
davidmofo123 commented
twitch in catalan, and PUTA ESPANYA
chefwww commented
darkbeat1349 commented
10000000 catalan speakers around the world makes it worth for Twitch to add catalan.
laurapikpik commented
We *need* Twitch in Catalan. It's our native language.