Allow Ad Blockers
Please stop the fight against ad blockers. Not everybody is able to afford Twitch Turbo and those aren't people who you want to serve with ads, anyway, since they're low converters. Or do you want to sell ads to your worst viewers? The ones who don't spend money on your premium subscription are also unlikely going to purchase a product after seeing an ad and your advertisers will sooner or later figure that out when they see their low conversion rates...
Users who use ad blockers are annoyed by ads and naturally indisposed against companies who try to force their way into their door as well, so they are selling a spammer image instead of gaining reputation.
The only thing you do by pushing those ads is creating an artificial need on users who can afford to pay to remove them by making your platform substantially worse. Youtube has a massive back library and their subscription service is much cheaper than yours, they don't fight ad blockers and people are much more willing to subscribe to their premium service.
Now, if you don't want poor people in your audience, maybe you should put the entire site behind a paywall instead and be done with it.
KingTaltia commented
To add on (and apparently Necro this, Twitch, why is your feedback site so bloody hidden?) I use adblockers because advertisers have REPEATEDLY installed malware into my pc in the past, and have lost their rights to show me anything, I do not care if they are different companies/people what have you.
I have a streamer I adore on this site, and used to watch them regularly, until last year. What happened last year? My blockers stopped working, so instead, I've moved to watching their Vod's on Youtube.Twitch, ignoring us doesn't make us buy prime, or subs, it makes us go to youtube, so later suckers! Maybe I'll see you if you ever change your ways!