We don't need a major UI update nobody was asking for
I get it, you want to appeal to the younger audience in a very inefficient way - by getting rid of older users. I'm using twitch (web and mobile app) for a few years. Everything I was liking about mobile app is its simplicity. Not the loud autostart at midnight of a random stream I'm following. Not the endless line of random streams. Not the removing the home screen at all as an option.
Whoever made this decision, some product owner I believe, that person doesn't know it's user base at all. It's not the new layout that "users will eventually get used to", no, it's more like middle finger for the sake of it. Why.
Don't fix what is not broken. <
Want to refresh app - refresh styles, maybe fonts, maybe add some section for the better UX (don't remove existing features and UI layouts). Please, thank you.