mobile streaming
I was wondering if we could make the mobile streaming while playing a mobile game a bit safer.
I'd like the ability to blind my viewers when playing a mobile game, bc sometimes certain games have certain in game notifications that cant be turned off, and pop up upon game start that show my email or other types of information I may not want shown asking me certain things, including updates for games.
I'd like the ability to push an eyeball indicator which will blind the screen and allow me to do what I need to do without the viewers seeing until im ready.
we turn off the notifications for the apps ourselves but in game notifications and in-game request for purchases are a bit different. These typically pop up right at the beginning of gameplay or after you've opened the app.
It'd be really cool to be able to blind my viewers while I'm opening the app, get past those weird pop-ups and then resume showing my screen.
adderroll commented
I feel you. I kinda just accepted my email being on blast since I don’t do much with it, but yes a screen block would be nice. I know on android you have the luxury of turning your mic on and off with that red button. Why not a screen option as well? Too many Streams have ended prematurely due to the lack of control I have over my screen.
[Deleted User] commented
If you guys have any questions at all please ask me but just so I can make sure you guys understand; this is about the in-game notifications.
Right now I have a game that's called Good Pizza Great Pizza and that game has a pop-up that asks me if I want to hook up my Google email to the gaming account I'm using. If you even graze the screen, it literally brings up this window that just straight up shows my email. This cannot be turned off bc its an in game pop up ❤️