Add Teams Pages
I'd like to see team pages on Twitch Mobile rather than having to open Twitch on my browser in Desktop mode.
MamaTamago commented
Teams are a great way to showcase other streamers that viewers would enjoy. Since a large portion of viewers are on mobile, it only makes sense to have the ability to see teams on mobile! We want to showcase other great creators on our team
EveElleQueen commented
Discoverability on Twitch is one of the hardest things. The only avenue that allowed a chance for smaller streamers to get any sort of attention is through the teams.
Mizz_Ladasha commented
I agree as well! I know personally a lot of my following is either working etc and on their mobile devices. While we promote and encourage others to check out our teammates and our team in general it makes it difficult because they can’t see or have any option to view them!
DEERE commented
Agreed. Teams are invisible on mobile since there is no implementation to discover and access teams through mobile. So many users hear about teams but being unable to peruse through mobile limits user interaction with teams.