Add a new viewing mode to hide chat
Basically there is a pretty big problem with the mobile app and Twitch Chat: It wastes a lot of data, and a lot of battery. In big channels, specifically Esports events, there can be upwards of 100,000 people in the stream and there are hundreds of chat messages every second. This is where the problem lies, it eats your battery and you can say bye to your data.
My proposed change is to simply add a new mode that can be found in the viewing settings that allows you to just have the video fullscreen all the time (like it is in Landscape mode) where chat does not get loaded.
Info_Atlsecsrv_Org commented
So true my friend. Seems like it sucks the whole month of data for 2 streams. And so I have been jumping to chrome browser to bypass the data damage so my phone's not lagging 28 days of the month. Lol
spaguettirabioso commented
OMG pls
veskuq commented
How is this not yet implemented??