Manage Roles via the API
It shouldn't be required for manage roles such as mod/vip via the chat
It shouldn't be required to manage editor/mod/vip via the roles manager
it would be useful for automation/third party management to be able to manage roles via the API
Currently not a top priority, but we are interested in your use cases for this functionality to be considered at a later time. Please include more information in the comments as to how and why this would be useful.
floele_ commented
The new moderation/moderators endpoint allows adding and removing mods now, but doesn't allow setting the editor role. We have a situation where mods get temporarily unmodded (via the API) and it's impossible to restore their full editor status per API afterwards.
michalshawn commented
It would be an amazing feature. After using it on twitch I will surely use it for my website ( to assign rules to my employees. If anyone from you have any expertise in this filed do let me know.
edonk10 commented
I use the API for a lot of behind-the-scenes automations from things like chat commands (via Nightbot) and channel point redemptions. Currently the only thing I'd like to be able to do that I *can't* do is set viewers as VIPs in chat from the API.
Napsinho commented
I think one useful usecase for this would be a third party game/survey/contest where the prize would be being vip in a channel.
JDUDETV commented
Would love to allow functionality for certain mods to "check in" / "check out" on a dash board that would allow them to chill in chat sometimes but also grab the sword whenver they need it. Also to allow them to track moderated hours for use cases like ludwig where he pays his mods. Another use case would be allowing viewers to get VIP for a day etc through channel point redemptions.