Create Clip enhancements
When creating a clip via the Create Clip API, it is VERY limited compared to the (not for public use) GraphQL interface. Requesting that the following enhancements be made to the Create Clip API so that 3rd party apps can leverage them:
1) Add ability to specify the clip start time (number of seconds from when the broadcast started). Reason: when deciding when to create a clip, apps may want to look back 10-15 seconds instead of generating the clip starting from when the API is called.
2) Add ability to specify the clip title. Reason: currently, the API defaults the clip title to the stream title, with no option to change it.
3) Add ability to specify the clip duration (max 60 secs). Reason: current API defaults to 30 seconds with no option to change it.
4) (nice to have) Ability to access raw media MP4 files once created.
5) (nice to have) Ability to specify the clip playback speed (default to 1.0)
6) (nice to have) Ability to specify the clip preview image offset in seconds (default to 0 - start of the clip)
RipmaV commented
5 years later and no answer from the stuff. It would be great to enhance the create-clip API. Shouldn't be so hard to add the possibility to add a custom title and other things.
PabloRNC commented
It would be nice to have it added.
AlyOren commented
5 years later :)
AzeraKih commented
I cannot understand why event after so all this time we still cannot change clips name using API.
Destroy666x commented
The API is very limited currently and at least duration would be nice.
CSF_RS commented
Now that Twitch has added Featured Clips, the ability for 3rd party tools to capture Clips from VODs is even more important than ever. Allow us to capture clips from VODs in order to support more advanced use cases and more precise clipping.
Breuxi commented
Would be so cool!
Zacomo commented
I didn't even thought these features aren't implemented yet, I just thought I couldn't find it in the docs. Clip duration and clip name are a must!
unkpool commented
I would love to be able to trigger 60 seconds clips with the API, pretty please?
melissayeti commented
definitely should automatically be 60 seconds!
CSF_RS commented
We need the ability to create Clips from the VOD.
Input could be the start time + end time / or clip length in seconds.We've build a tool that automatically identifies the best clip-worthy moments for streamers from their VOD... based on the chat engagement, emotes, etc. and right now are unable to actually go ahead and create clips.
We want to automatically create clips for the best moments of the stream (after the stream has ended).
qoisocial commented
Can't believe this still isn't a thing
KensonPlays commented
Specifying duration would be nice. Sometimes I want 15s, sometimes 30, sometimes 60.
Vasp commented
This is a must.
TheRealSeiferoth commented
The ability to specify a title and duration are basically an essential part of clipping. The API needs these features too.
TheNoisyOyster commented
This is 100% necessary for creating more dynamic and interesting content. At the moment all we can do is create a 30 second clip with the same title as the stream. At the least we should be able to specify a duration between 30 - 60 seconds. The same goes for a title. Setting things like the offset would be nice as well, but I could see that being a function of the manual edit only.
I think this is a major restriction on automated content creation for streamers.
Veeeee_D commented
Not being able to specify the clip's title is a critical flaw. Other points are good too.
BrandinArsenault commented
Upvote specifically for 1, 2, 3 & 4 (the others are not needed for my use cases)
LuckoftheLefty commented
I just came across a use case for this as well. My wife is coming over from Mixer and I have written a little rest endpoint that triggers a clip, posts the link in chat, and sends it to a discord webhook. Previously we could title the clip via the API so it was easily identifiable in Discord. It would be nice to have that feature over here too.
Delegate_ commented
My stream is based around automated game plays and detection of certain moments such as a player getting multiple kills. When I detect this, I was hoping to create the clip automatically from my application and title it based on which class/player did it, such as Hero name and since some players can take upto around 58 seconds for a penta kill, then i figured the ability to increase the clip time would also be really beneficial.
An automated create/edit API makes sense for my stream because the software i want to enhance runs on the twitch service and it would be nice to auto clip good plays, since its a 24/7 automated stream.