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204 results found

  1. 778 votes

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    41 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
  2. Follow up to

    to request the offset of a clip being added to the API

    Use cases include

    • Deduplication of Clips submitted to a clips submission thing
    • Recreate the clip from a copy of the vod.
    • Using the offset to easily spot "hype" points of a stream for channel editors making highlights to focus on that point aka "heatmaps of popular stream time points"
    • From CSharpFritz: Show clips in the order that they naturally occurred, and not the time that they were created
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  3. The existing API endpoint for getting chatters predates User IDs and only returns usernames. It's also part of TMI and not officially documented, which could result in it being removed at any point without any notice.

    Many bots use the endpoint for channel loyalty points, and then have to make secondary calls to the get the user ID.

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  4. 213 votes

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  5. With the heavy push Twitch is making to have streamers use the Ads Manager and to run more ads in general, this could go a long way to making that easier on our end. Ideally we should be able to get the following information and do the following things:

    • see how long until the next ad
    • see whether or not pre-rolls are disabled and for how long
    • see how many snoozes are left
    • see the cooldown time until another ad can be run
    • activate a snooze
    • run an ad manually (this is already possible, but adding for completion)

    Additionally, EventSub…

    211 votes

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    Completed  ·  12 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
  6. Please provide an API to CRUD polls and observe the results in real time when a poll is ran.

    Ability to read historical/past polls would also be nice

    199 votes

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    13 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
  7. Please provide an

    • api
    • Eventsub
    • Webhooks

    CRUD and result monitoring for the new predictions feature of channel points

    181 votes

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  8. So that third party developers can be notified of new unban request
    And that third party developers can respond to those unban requests, the same way as you can on the moderator view

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    17 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
  9. This Kraken endpoint provides the emotes a user has access to:

    A similar functionality would be nice for the new API as well. It should contain all emotes a user has access to, for example Global Emotes, Subemotes, Bit Emotes, Emotes unlocked by Channel Points and so on (the Kraken endpoint is unfortunately missing some types of emotes).

    The emotes returned would be for the authenticated user, with an appropriate scope required.

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  10. Please provide an API for shoutouts to be triggered from the API

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    14 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
  11. Add subscriber count to a Helix endpoint. This is important information for many streaming tools. Scope is an open question; whether anyone should be able to see someone's subscriber count or if this is only visible by the broadcaster's authentication.

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  12. Please provide an API for the new upcoming Twitch features (preferrably day 1 would be nice)

    Today, I'm here again to ask for an API.

    Today for the new/upcoming schedule feature I've heard about

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    22 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
  13. As noted here

    Lifetime Subscribers are a unique benefit for Twitch Partners. Lifetime subscriptions do not generate revenue or additional subscription points.

    No where in the subscribers API is a given sub tagged as lifetime.

    So whilst we can math the subscriber points from helix, we can't discount these lifetime subs from our count.

    Extend the subscribers API to flag as lifetime, (or provide a seperate endpoint)
    And provide a API to fetch the Sub Points without having to iterate all pages.

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  14. It is impossible to get the emotes for a channel from the API via Channel ID

    The API uses "emotesetID" and there is no API endpoint that provides the emotesetID for a given channel

    Please provide a way to get the emotes for a channel via ChannelID/ChannelLogin

    116 votes

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    6 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
  15. A great many Ideas/notes and stuff from the Developer discord was collected and thrown into a Google Docs

    - CRUD store items
    - Fetching/updating points values
    - handling store redepmtions
    - Stuff about webhooks
    - Stuff about points in extensions (see also )

    Throwing it here so it's here as well as already sent to Twitch via Dev Advocacy

    102 votes

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    12 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Travis Brown responded

    As announced at last week’s Developer Day, we now have set of Channel Points endpoints and EventSub subscription types. This initial release may address much of the feedback captured here, if you still have features you would like so see, please feel free to file more UserVoice ideas under the “API” category.

  16. Using just helix it is impossible to get the title/status or game of a channel when it is offline.

    Which makes it difficult for third party tools to obtain title/game to check it should match what we want before the channel goes live, so that notifications for the channel (email etc) have the correct game/title.

    Additionally bot commands such as

    "!caster - caster link to caster was last seen playing game"

    are difficult to achieve using pure Helix

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    There is no API for automation of adding/removing/listing a given channels blocked-terms

    When adding/removing a term modlogs display in chat as

    barrycarlyon used: /addblockedterm THISISATEST.
    barrycarlyon used: /deleteblockedterm THISISATEST.

    But these are not valid chat commands either.

    Please provide an API to CRUD channel blocked terms

    83 votes

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  18. Please provide API access to allow moderator bots and/or third party chat clients to initiate warnings sent to users that break rules.

    An API should also be provided for clients to obtain the warning history of viewers.

    EventSub should also be provided so that moderator (b) can be informed that moderator (a) sent a warning (and prevent duplicate warning attempts) and/or logging those warnings

    73 votes

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  19. For /moderation/banned and /moderation/banned/events.

    72 votes

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  20. I would like to be able to react to a user disconnecting my application from their account without having to constantly poll with the user's token to ensure that it is still valid. If I were to constantly poll for all users that have used FrankerFaceZ's website, I would be making thousands of requests per minute. My servers don't need the unnecessary load. Your servers don't. There is a better way.

    For this I request implementation of a revocation webhook, similar to those used by GitHub (ref1), Facebook (ref2), Slack (ref3), Discord (ref4), etc.

    To clarify, I don't want a…

    67 votes

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