API for channel banned terms CRUD
There is no API for automation of adding/removing/listing a given channels blocked-terms
When adding/removing a term modlogs display in chat as
barrycarlyon used: /addblockedterm THISISATEST.
barrycarlyon used: /deleteblockedterm THISISATEST.
But these are not valid chat commands either.
Please provide an API to CRUD channel blocked terms
We released the Get, Add, and Remove Block Terms endpoints last November.
michalshawn commented
How can I use this channel for this website (https://www.theartofwarquotes.com/)? If anyone from you have any knowledge please do let me know.
CommanderRoot commented
FYI: This has been added!
Getting current ones:
https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference#get-blocked-termsAdding new ones:
https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference#remove-blocked-term -
iqwobot commented
Considering this the the primary protection method that twitch provides the content creators to protect a channel a little more documentation around the terms would be greatly appreciated as well. The automod is extremely capable of flagging blocked terms to moderation teams and removing hate speech etc but very poorly documented. i.e. {{stem:hate}} {{nationality}}. The ability to manage the terms via a well documented API endpoint would make the job of moderators much easier.
AgentDave7 commented
As a Streamer & Mod, it would be a lot easier to be able to add/remove blocked terms via chat commands rather than having to use the Channel Actions in Mod View or Moderation settings in Dashboard.
SilentDrkAngel commented
Yes, this is very much needed. With the amount of new hate terms that keeps being created, it's difficult for a streamer to keep up in banning them all without this assistance.
Fletbot795 commented
This would be an incredibly useful feature to add. With the recent uptick in hate raids across Twitch, providing developers with a way to automate channel security seems imperative now more than ever.
yasuopierce commented
This would help greatly when trying to sync blocked terms across channels. Hopefully, an API is made.