Black tag
The black community has always deserved representation in every single space that we exist in. There are content creators who feel invalidated because we are unable to find other members of the black community on Twitch, especially during a time that we need to stand as one. The black community deserves representation, validation and acknowledgment. We deserve a black tag so that we can find, communicate and uplift each other.
Please create the black tag.
Hey All!
We have heard your feedback and are really excited to announce that we now have a Black tag on Twitch, along with more than 350 other new tags.
For more information, you can take a look at our blog post at Please continue to share ideas and feedback you have to UserVoice!
soyinspace commented
Comparatively to other platforms, twitch really struggles in allowing viewers to find new and specific content. Step up
GoblinMoxxi commented
Signed! This is a great way for Black creators to find other Black creators and can help with collaborations and community building on this site!
AyeBailey commented
Please!! Having a black tag would help unite other black viewers/streamers to be more comfortable. Seeing a familiar face makes a huge difference in the twitch experience.
howulu commented
Signed! I make it a point to look for Black streamers, because I want to watch people like me. I shouldn't have to search multiple pages before seeing a Black person.
aylilgiraffe commented
This would only help others build up their communities easier and make viewers searches much easier. I can literally scroll through a couple pages before I find someone who isn't white no matter how I order the search results.
Yeah, technically we all have "equality" but what minority groups really want is equaity(which means everyone is given the tools needed to actually equalize the amount of work, energy and effort someone has to put in as someone else to accomplish the same goals)
Hillabeans commented
The point is to allow marginalized communities to find one another and connect.
TheBlueLotus commented
Signed, and shared.
azeldaplayer24 commented
Why shouldn't there be white tag? I'm not saying there doesn't appear to be more white streamers than POC streamers at a glance, I just think if you add that tag you should add a White tag, as well as all other races and ethnicities. Because you're literally leaving those people out and denying them something black people have, which is actually racist.
kirbykyodai commented
FaunasHome commented
The Black tag is an extremely necessary and important tag. It would allow Black streamers to connect with each other and build community and would also allow non-Black people to find Black streamers more easily. Twitch should be doing much more to uplift Black streamers, and this is a great way to show that in practice.
TheOneOfManySouls commented
Create the black tag for Black streamers. Stop making people have to beg for these things to happen. These are things that should have already happened.
lunoche commented
It's incredibly difficult to find Black streamers playing games you wanna watch, add the tag please.
ThatFlightyBroad commented
Twitch: you're letting the silence of non-Black folks affect the ability of Black folks to find one another if you rely on this voting system. Being an ally with a large platform means using this platform to help amplify marginalized voices that you profess to care about.
DBZenkai commented
People have told me many times that they came to my stream because I was the only black person playing a game they were interested in... now imagine how nice it’d be if people didn’t have to scroll up and down directories looking for a face cam with a black person in it lol.
VintageElysium commented
I'm not black but I 100% support a black tag, people want better ways to find people in their communities. Why is this even a vote just do it.
FaunasHome commented
Twitch should absolutely be listening to Black streamers and add a Black tag. This would allow Black users to find streamers with similar experiences and allow for even more genuine connections on the app. Twitch, please show some genuine advocacy here and protect Black streamers on this app.
MatchaFierce commented
Twitch better start listening to their users and add a Black tag! Support Black creators not only when it’s convenient and profitable (like Black History Month). We don't want any ****** excuses and fake promises like you’ve done with the trans tag.
HesAllThat commented
Twitch give Black streamers and viewers what they have been asking for! Help Black communities find each other and thrive!
superlazygenius2 commented
fellow black streamer here. Would help a lot to have this tag.
SleepyheadSay commented
I want an easy way to support my fellow black streamers